Call me old fashioned, but I don’t think pulling your pants down to fart is more embarrassing than doing explosive diarrhea into the Thames.
Sounds like a normal day in London for those other people.
Exactly, I mean it’s the British food, they eat beans for breakfast for example. Explosive diarrhea must be illness number one.
Not quite a shitpost but almost one. A fartpost.
Do it every day at the exact same time for 1 month.
Call it performance art.
People will be in awe at your revolutionary creative ambition
Art studios might actually finance your project
Embarrassment averted
I’d be more embarrassed to end up being a performance artist than the bare bottomed bridge farter tbh.
At least in the 90s you could have got on Eurotrash with your act.
Probably in the segment just after a Belgian naturist with tits like windsocks.
I’m sure there’s a curator at the Tate Modern that would entertain this argument.