A dead person, preferably - although it would be a little surprising for me as I live in a new-build.
How many people did the construction crew start and end with… If it’s a difference of one…
At least you don’t have to explain roaches to the cops.
Loophole, it doesn’t mention if either is alive
I love these! My favorite one is, “if you were forced to shove a whole pineapple up your ass, as a matter of life and death, would you insert it top or bottom first?”
Keep in mind, you’ll need to get it back out once it’s in.
Bottom first. The leaves would serve as a flared end and a handle. You’d want it to be ripe-ish I imagine. Ripe enough to have a little give, but not ripe enough that the leaves come out too easily.
Pineapples also come in different sizes, I’ve seen some homegrown ones posted on Lemmy that seem…manageable.
Just keep in mind that the hard, pointed spikes on the outside face up, so you’ll be pulling it out against them.
If you do top first you get the harder part over with, and then have plenty of blood to lubricate the way out.
It’s a horrific image but it’s the right way to go. You’ll simply never, under any circumstances, make it work the other way.
I mean it won’t work either way but if you don’t fucking die by the end of it at least you could theoretically get patched up.
I like the body swap sex one. would you rather have sex with your SO in your respective parent’s body, or your parent in your SO’s body.
I mean, if it has to go in whole, does it need to come out whole? Or can we cut that bitch up once it’s in?
Additional tools are not allowed. You’re welcome to attempt to crush it with your pelvic floor muscles.
A person because if they’ve been living in my attic then they must be harmless. Still calling the cops though.