I’m a tech guy. I dont mind the occasional redistribution of wealth from corporations. I can even appreciate exploits found in the wild like this or doing hacking when it doesn’t hurt people.
What this signals, though, is that you are cheap. I side with the girl on this. It’s a date. Pay for the meal and show her you can be normal first.
Conversely, this is a great way to filter out normals who want to pay a corporation to prove how rich they are. You just gotta be yourself and you’ll get the person that’s right for you.
Yepp… great Filter.
“Hey, wanna come up to see my 3D printer” worked for me.
Eh, I dunno why everyone is so negative about this. A knowledgeable person, free food, and (I suppose the critical point) I’m into this stuff too, so fuck yeah let’s go. And whipping out that knowledge boner on the first go? Shit, setting the bar kinda high. What’s in store for next time, gonna joyride in a new car after you take control of it remotely? Oh just take me now, I’m ready~.
Just gotta remember to torch it after, evidence is a bitch. Or so I’ve heard. Ehem. Anyway… nuggets, not a big deal, but knowledge is sexy af.
Yah this isn’t something you break out on the first date, you really have to get to know the person and learn what their social views and politics are before you try to “subvert capitalism at the nearest mcdonalds.”
I mean, good tho that he learned early. It’s just too bad he’s going to get a billion messages asking how to do this trick exactly and McDonalds Corporation will have to patch their kiosks.
We can’t have nice things.
If this is the kind of thing he likes doing he should absolutely do it on the first date and find out they’re not compatible right away instead of wasting time on someone that thinks he’s weird. Why delay the inevitable?
On the first date literally everything “not normal behaviour” is somewhat “dangerous”. You’re looking out for red flags and don’t hesitate to end everything before it begins. Instead of conversations about why someone did something it usually just ends, so the time he does this is devinetively something. In a relationship he probably would have gotten the possibility to explain himself.
Or maybe, just maybe, we should love people as they are and not make up stupid societal bullshit to follow for an indeterminate amount of time. I get you don’t want to let out all the crazy before you know someone, and maybe this really is too much up front and your point stands. But I don’t think it’s that grevious. Maybe they are cheap, or maybe they wanted to show how skilled they are, or maybe they thought “this is really cool to me, I hope she finds it cool too”.
Either way it’s clear she’s not a fit for him. But that’s kind of a stupid note to end things on. I hope he finds someone more tolerant and understanding that takes an interest instead of being judgy and “weirded out” by essentially a hobby.
Nah. Being cheap is a frustrating personality trait.
Source: obsessively cheap, penny pinching father. Just pay for the damn nuggets like a normal person.
How is it still expected for men to pay in this day and age. When I’m on a date I’m looking for an equal partner, not a dependent.
Yea wow women are so equal in this game and have to chase men suddenly it’s so 2024 wow that it’s like that ever or has ever been
I agree with the girl. If you’re willing to steal from a McDonalds, what else are you scheming and how long until those scheme involve me? Theft is theft and I’d want nothing to do with it.
Edit. I don’t care about McDonalds, I care about the lads moral compass and how he is willing to show off his “trick” to a first date and just drag her into a scheme. At least wait a while to say “what if we made 3 accounts and just got 3 orders of the $1 nugget deal?”
If the date is cool with it, great f* big corp. If not, you know she’s got morals that don’t perfectly align with yours - which is okay, as long you respect that and figure it out.
I’ll stand by my statement “theft is theft”, but I myself also won’t deny having some morally gray online activities. However, I wouldn’t want to have a first movie date through a movies123 clone. First impressions are key.
Bet you get a lot of second dates. JFC you people, showing off a scam on a first date and y’all defending the guy?
Applause for the woman being up-front and honest!
LOL at the downvotes. Like showing your date a scam on a first date is perfectly reasonable behavior. Sometimes lemmy just screams, “I can’t get laid to save my life! Why not?!”
My first date with my (now) wife featured us watching a movie after I showed her how to torrent it. It’s an easy way to parse through date prospects who are too hung up on corporate-defined ethics. I knew she was a catch when she was interested in the prospect of bypassing overpriced movie fees, rather than worrying about how some billion-dollar company was going to get my $10, like some other dates I’d had.
If you think that someone “stealing” 30 chicken nuggets from a company worth over 200 billion dollars is somehow an indication that they must also treat their loved ones poorly, you’re thinking far too simply about the complexity of human motivation. Amazingly, exploiting soulless corporations and hurting people are completely unrelated behaviors.
It’s probably a franchisee who isn’t a billionaire. More than likely you’re stealing from someone who only has tens of millions.
(I think it’s 2-3 million to start a fast food joint.)
Agree and disagree. His “schemes” are going to be more like: “drive me around on Halloween while I run up to the storefront and take all the candy left out for kids!”
Theft of the workers’ time to make your scam order when they already have a busy shitty job.
Agree. An offer was made by McDonald’s (free 10 nuggets for signup on app). This was accepted and done three times. It is McDonald’s fault for not securing their offer to prevent what happened. They need clearly display and enforce the limits of the offer. If you’re able to meet the requirements of the offer 3 times and they don’t stop you then that’s on them.
Also yeah, fuck billion dollar corporations. Even if it was theft, they have a budget for this kind of crap.
This sounds like the tagline for a romcom version of robin hood made in 1998
Do you think if I googled “McDonald’s wage theft” it would come up with some stories?
…now you might say “two wrongs don’t make a right to thins”… But what if I could then find similar scams and problems centered around exploitation in all billion dollar companies or billionaire rises to power.
Now what if I could then trace these stories back through time and find many billionaires come from wealthy families, and many wealthy families have ties to even more dubious and exploitative practices throughout history.
…from things like America’s wars for banana republics or fascists in Latin America, to things like The Triangle Shirtwaist fire maybe even some going back through WW1 & 2, or slavery and colonization.
So it’s also a question of what is wrong in the world at large and how to resolve or replace it.
P.S Obviously this assumes those chickens wanted to be nuggets. Turns out moral philosophy is just more difficult than “what’s wrong is wrong”.
Someone who does not appreciate those who steal from exploitative global corporations, is not someone worth knowing.
You unwittingly (or maybe purposefully but few spotted it so far) tripped on the Moral Core of the matter.
Somebody tricking the McDonald’s system for personal upside maximization isn’t the class warrior so many are portraying here, rather he’s just another greedy fucker with a swindle that just so happens to target a large corpo.
A class warrior would be trying to make things better for everybody, not just himself.
I can see how his date’s take on this might have been that he’s a guy who is dishonest for his own gain, which is hardly the kind of person you want to get in a relationship with.
Further, somebody with their own decent notebook and the technical knowhow to run Android emulators is almost certainly not poor and actually needing to do this, which would be the only valid reason to do it.
We are the poor.
Yes, there are poorer people out there, but I think we all kinda forget how big the divide is. It lets us put ourselves in a place where we feel like we’re doing well comparatively, but I think it’s important that we remember that we’re all being taken advantage of and we all deserve better. Yeah, definitely some will need a bit more uplifting than others, but it’s Us vs. Them, and I think we spend too much time trying to further sub-divide that ‘Us’. Thank you for attending my crazy segue.
We’re all poor enough to deserve those free nugs though.
I can appreciate those who steal from corporations but I sure as hell don’t want to implicate myself by being with them when they do it lol
A guy I hung out with in college told me about all the ATMs he stole and asked if I wanted to go with him next time… I said maybe another time and then never spoke to him again. I didn’t want to be associated with him when he eventually got busted…which he did…
I don’t know the details of these nuggets, but I’m guessing they used multiple sessions to use a coupon code multiple times or something of the sort. More just exploiting a poorly set up system than theft.
Stealing ATMs is significantly different and definitely more illegal in my mind.
The entire reason the McDonald’s app exists is so McDonald’s can have variable prices to rip you off based on what they learn about your habits.
I hardly classify using their services in unintended ways as “stealing”.
If tech went down for six months, they’d offer you a discount for hopping on one leg while rubbing your stomach and patting your head.
Besides data collection, the main purpose is to get more money out of people willing to pay more without missing out on people who won’t pay that much.
It’s tiered pricing where they’re fine with you selecting a tier, as long as they steer enough to the higher one l.
Maybe not something you show off on the first date. Got to lay down the Marxist theory first.
That’s kind of like going up to a display that says “free sample - one per customer” and taking several samples. And doing so on a first date, like: this is who I am. It’s not really bad or anything, it’s just… kind of weird and embarassing.
It is overtly bad. It’s making someone’s shitty job worse because you think you’re better and so smart for beating the system. Garbage people.
Is there anything that really makes their job shittier about this though? Than than dealing with three orders instead of one?
If anything with the focus these days on metrics around how fast they can serve customers these three simple orders probably made their metrics look better so they could slack off on the next few orders.
But yeah just says “I’m a cheapskate.”
I’d say, potentially yes.
I say that, because 1, is been over 2 decades since I worked a McDonald’s, so things could have changed. And 2, it depends on the time of day. And secret third option, depends on the customer.
So generally speaking a certain amount of food will be cooked before hand and kept in a warmer for only so many minutes (ideally). So it is possible that there wasn’t enough chicken nuggets ready to go and they just had to be counted out. If that’s the case the person just needed to make more chicken nuggets.
However, even back when I worked there you had a plethora of customers who would demand fresh stuff and I know it’s only gotten more popular to do (don’t do that). So if this individual demanded that they be freshly made and it was done during the rush… Then yes absolutely this could have made somebody’s day worse.
Ever worked food or retail? I mean yeah the guy’s a dipshit, but you aren’t considering factors that make several workers’ day worse.
i can’t help but think that if your first date with someone is drive thru mcdonalds, maybe that should have been the first clue
If your first date is a glorious scam heist, the future looks promising
Maybe don’t order carnist options though
Maybe don’t order carnist options though
Why not let people excercise their liberty to decide for themselves. Plus how is this relevent to a date a majority of people are omnivorous anyways
Was their comment one of those ‘self-identifying without being asked’ moments? Certainly feels stereotypical to me. But, it couldn’t be that obvious.
Ideology that supports the use and consumption of animal products.
Things can have several properties, for example a thing can be red, which doesn’t mean the thing is not a cube.
Usually vegans use the term carnist to represent those who engage in animal products full stop, rather than breaking down the difference into carnivore and omnivore.
To us vegans, whether you’re carnivore or omnivore results in the same outcomes. Plus, many conversations surrounding veganism don’t necessarily involve diets, such as with clothing, in which case again it’s easier to use a single term to describe everything non-vegan.
You might say that non-vegans is a good enough term to describe the above, but that kind of framing can paint carnists in a more benevolent light that acknowledges their freedom of choice, rather than framing carnists with regards to the outcomes they cause, and the victims that suffer because of them.
My first date with my girlfriend was at a Wendy’s and we took the bus to get there. That was 2005. We got married in 2009 and just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. It doesn’t matter where you go or how much you spend, it just matters who you’re there with.
I dunno. McDs was mine and my spouse’s first date, after church.
We are married 27 years now…