i can’t help but think that if your first date with someone is drive thru mcdonalds, maybe that should have been the first clue
My first date with my girlfriend was at a Wendy’s and we took the bus to get there. That was 2005. We got married in 2009 and just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. It doesn’t matter where you go or how much you spend, it just matters who you’re there with.
If your first date is a glorious scam heist, the future looks promising
Maybe don’t order carnist options though
Maybe don’t order carnist options though
Why not let people excercise their liberty to decide for themselves. Plus how is this relevent to a date a majority of people are omnivorous anyways
Was their comment one of those ‘self-identifying without being asked’ moments? Certainly feels stereotypical to me. But, it couldn’t be that obvious.
Usually vegans use the term carnist to represent those who engage in animal products full stop, rather than breaking down the difference into carnivore and omnivore.
To us vegans, whether you’re carnivore or omnivore results in the same outcomes. Plus, many conversations surrounding veganism don’t necessarily involve diets, such as with clothing, in which case again it’s easier to use a single term to describe everything non-vegan.
You might say that non-vegans is a good enough term to describe the above, but that kind of framing can paint carnists in a more benevolent light that acknowledges their freedom of choice, rather than framing carnists with regards to the outcomes they cause, and the victims that suffer because of them.
Ideology that supports the use and consumption of animal products.
Things can have several properties, for example a thing can be red, which doesn’t mean the thing is not a cube.
I dunno. McDs was mine and my spouse’s first date, after church.
We are married 27 years now…