My stepdad used to tell me about “spider karma” when I was little. Basically, all spiders are a part of a gang, and if you squash one they’ll just think he must’ve stepped out of line or something. However if you squash 3 or more, the spiders will all start talking to each other and plan out attacks on you when you’re most vulnerable. Sleep attacks are the most common, but occasionally they’ll get so pissed they choose to hide in a jacket or shoe and sacrifice everything just to inflict a little pain and terror for killing their mums or siblings.
I used to actually believe this btw.
Edit: why the downvotes to OP? home maintenance is always the best method for keeping pests out. No need for spiders indoors if ya dont have bugs indoors!
“Termination on sight”, being seen in my house is the reason, I leave them alone if they’re outside and away from entrances
Jumping spiders were my gateway into not hating spiders. They’re pretty adorable and surprisingly interactive. Also learning that spiders are partially pneumatic/use hydraulics to get around, which makes me think of them as nature’s little steampunk robots.
Spiders keep bugs under control
Snakes keep spiders under control
Dogs keep snakes under control
Humans keep dogs under control (sometimes)
Cats keep humans under control
Had a spider in my bathroom that I befriended. Named Steve. He was a tiny little thing that stayed on the crown molding, and had the foresight not to invade the inner sanctum of the shower space. I noticed Steve wasn’t catching many bugs, so I killed a fly, and while it was still twitching, I held it up for Steve to look at, then dropped said fly into his web. Steve must’ve been put off by the fact that the fly quickly died, and he didn’t bother eating it. Steve has now passed, starved up there in his web, without ever even touching that big ass fly I caught him.
Spiders are stupid. You’re a more efficient bug-killer by far, I’d wager.
I just leave em be and name em George as is my tradition and say go git em George!