What even is ich_iel?
It’s better because every post with an English word gets
as a response
And yet when I try to SPRICH DEUTCH to actual live Germans they give me a pitying look and firmly reply in perfect English
That means you should start /c/moi_dlvv
Tbh I’ve kind of forgetten what little French I managed to learn earlier, so this wouldn’t work for me either
I’m in the same boat with German sadly. Trying to relearn some though. Ich habe fast alles vorgessen.
Comme by !rance@jlai.lu !
Je pense qu’on est moins nombreux mais on s’y amuse quand même.
C’est le probleme. Je vois !ich_iel tout le temps, mais !rance pas tellement.
Bonjour ! Je suis actuellement en train d’apprendre le Français. Suis-je invité ?
And that’s a real freaking stretch for what I know. And apparently I can’t pronounce most of it correctly
!france@jlai.lu accepts any language. Especially Pascal.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !france@jlai.lu
Never too late to learn!
Es ist nie zu spät zu lernen!
I studied German in high school but I don’t remember any of it. I like to pretend that ich_iel is just using made up nonsense words, like the Swedish Chef muppet.
ich_iel is just using made up nonsense words, like the Swedish Chef muppet
We’re more into dumb sturgeon puns.
That’s mostly one dude named “Instantnudeln” and the noodles were to signify his pov in the michmich.
To be fair, there’s a shocking number of made up words… that’s part of the fun?