You don’t miss that much. They are trying to do edgy dank memes in german. The “culture” they represent is quite white and cleasend from migrant humor.
Its the german version of these alt right pepe memes.
Seriously, you missed nothing.
Well tell me how exactly a non white culture is supposed to emerge in a country with a non existent colored population, or am i missing some specific meaning here ?
Listen Nazi smooog.
We have 5 Million turks (1st and 2nd gen), 1 Million Syrians and 1 million from all over west Asia and Africa. Out of ~50M adults
w€ aRe sUCH a WhiTE cuLtUrE
Yes thats about 14% of the population ehich are living mostly in cities and usually in blocks with very high percentage of immigrants and very little exchange. I would see it more as living on the same turf than living together… No shared culture emerges from that
Also stop pushing people into categories because you dont like their opinions
How is it “cleasend”? Did you mean “cleansed”?
I mean the community is very male and white dominated but not excluding anyone. And more self referential than edgy. What even makes it edgy??
I’m still not sure what exactly you mean but I would love to see immigrant culture on ich_iel and I think most others do too! It’s not that the community is hostile or anything and people who don’t speak German or things explained when they ask.
How could the community be more inclusive? What would you suggest? Or where do you see active hostility?
guys i can read that shit and trust me you’re not missing out on anything. if you could read those lame jokes, you’d block the community like i did
I had a chat with them yesterday using google translate and apparently they think “From the river to the sea” is problematic. Not sure why, but it’s probably their government lying to them and saying Palestine is an ethnostate.
Its problematic because its the Hamas slogan and rejects the existence of israel.
I reject the existence of Israel too. Before Israel, Jews and Arabs lived in peace in Palestine. But Britain invaded, created Israel, and cut Palestine in half. From the river to the sea, Arab Palestinians must be free to walk hand in hand with their Jewish siblings. Not imprisoned behind Israeli walls, forced out of their homes, and bombed in the name of stopping a Hamas government that Israel themselves helped gain power. Hamas is Israel’s fault, not the fault of the innocent children in Gaza. Israel is responsible for the attacks against Jews in Israel and in the rest of the world. Because Israel has told the world that Jews are evil colonisers and their existence must be paid for in innocent blood. This is a slanderous lie against the Jewish people! Down with Israel! Down with antisemitism! Down with genocide!
Agreed, but thats still no reason to identify with Hamas. I expect from a capable Individual like you to be able to differentiate and form an independent opinion
You miss all of it. Learn German instead. Drop the French.
French and German are similar but you just spit on people with different consonants