prepares a morning shower
Max had already turned on the shower for me, setting the water temperature right where I liked it. As I jumped into the steam-filled stall. Max switched the music over to my shower tunes playlist. I recognized the opening riffs of “Change,” by John Waite. From the Vision Quest soundtrack. Geffen Records, 1985.
Ready Player One had an AI that prepared his shower for him
FAKE! Obviously no self-respecting Apple iPhone user would own a Windows PC. Gotta keep it all in that walled garden, baby!
Google a recent medical symptom - your smart watch already knows the gritty details
It’s always cancer.
Sore throat - cancer.
Back ache - cancer.
Tiredness, cough, loss of taste and/or smell - maybe COVID. But also, cancer.
In its defense, the symptom I googled most recently like a year and a half ago, did, in fact, turn out to be cancer.
Yes, I’m fine now. But sometimes it’s right.
Doesn’t take away the fact you should’ve asked a doctor instead of a search engine, though.
On that matter, why is Norton antivirus so popular? I don’t remember being prompted to install one when installing Windows, yet I’ve seen a lot of people with it.
Back in the day, Norton actually made some useful tools. They’ve been coasting on that 90s reputation for decades, though. It’s all unnecessary bloatware now.
Back in the day, you were pushed hard to either put McAfee or Norton on your computer when you bought one from Dell, Compaq, etc. A lot of older people still think you need to do that so it’s still pretty popular.
I always used kaspersky which I stupidly downloaded from a torrent lol. Guess it worked? I’ll never know tho.
strange, most IT professionals will tell you the only thing you need is Windows Defender and an ability to think before clicking strange download buttons
Not strange, most executives will sign a deal where another company gives them money for every laptop they sell with that company’s product preinstalled.
For real, though, I’m building a Hal9000 system for my home built on top of Home Assistant and Esphome.
What kind of hardware are you using for voice controls/voice output? Been looking to build an Ai waifu to control the lights.