Don’t count on the Deep Space Nine star angling for a Star Trek: O’Brien any time soon.
If it’s written by any of the people who wrote Picard, forget it and let the man rest in peace.
Please just let the past stay in the past. Make new things! Come up with original ideas!
No shit.
I’m so tired of every project being built on nostalgia.
Strange New Worlds is so close to what I want from new Trek. I want that show, but on a new ship and a new crew set post-DS9.
I want that show, but on a new ship and a new crew set post-DS9.
This is what Picard S1&2 were but everyone vocally hated it. Good writing has nothing to do with setting.
No it wasn’t. It was another show built on nostalgia, which I specifically mentioned being tired of.
I did enjoy season 3 though.
EHhhh, I love O’Brien, but lately I think Trek has been relying way too much on nostalgia. I’d rather have new characters instead.
I see this argument a lot, but outside of PIC S3 and the NuTrek reboots (I would still argue those were not relying on nostalgia but I understand the argument in favor) which post-Enterprise Star Trek “relies” on nostalgia?
The most frequent criticisms I’ve seen of Discovery and Picard S1&2 are that they weren’t similar enough to previous Star Treks. Lower Decks references the older shows a lot but is obviously not trying to imitate them. SNW is the closest I think you could get to a “relying on nostalgia” series and it is more frequently described as feeling “fresh” and seems to be the most well-received.
It’s more about the trajectory of nuTrek than the whole of it. Discovery and the first two seasons of Picard did try to do new things and move the franchise in new directions, but now Discovery is cancelled in favour of SNW and Picard season 3 discarded so much the first two seasons had done in order to dive into nostalgia hard - and its success led to a lot of speculation about a “Star Trek Legacy” series that would double down on the fanservice approach even further. So it does feel like there’s a trend towards “safer” nostalgic content.
And sometimes even fairly minor things just rub me the wrong way, like the Daniels reveal in Discovery. They just feel so arbitrary, and make the universe feel so mush smaller for no purpose.
I specifically asked for examples of shows outside of Picard Season 3 that “rely” on nostalgia. And “Star Trek Legacy” is not even a real show!
Same. Although it’s kind of a tradition to have the old actors on, and it can be fun, but it’s better when used to contrast how the new Treck is different / evolving
This right here. I liked how TNG did it. Series premier bring an oldster in to launch, maybe have a special episode or two with another.
If we really wanted Colm back, have it in the premier of Starfleet Academy where the new cadets are going through a hall of distinguished professors and have an elderly O’Brien do a cameo with a sample of one of his lectures. Nice to connect the show to lore and nostalgia but short enough to let the new cast stand on their own.
That said, I agree with Colm. Let O’Brien stay as he is. He had a perfect send-off.
Rather than a Starfleet lecturer I’d prefer if he was the author of a “Things they don’t teach you at the Academy” type book.
Something like “Per Starfleet regulations dilithium crystals should be set to a quarter inch technobabble. However in a pinch you can technobabble but be warned this can cause more babbling”
If anyone earned their retirement, it’s Miles O’Brien. Maybe he could show up for one scene, where he lets the rest of the team know that, just like Wolverine did in First Class.
Lol, I’d accept that. Maybe he’s the template for future engineering holograms.
Computer, activate the Emergency Engineering Hologram.
Holo’brien: Jaysus! Your warp core’s knackered. Nothing I can do. Deactivate emergency engineering hologram.
(I don’t think any incarnation of O’Brien would give up so easily; just playing off of your Wolverine clip lol)
I like to think that, whatever it is that earns O’Brien that distinction, it had already happened by the end of DS9. Probably some technical wizardry he came up with while hacking together Cardassian and Federation technology. Just something he did to get the job done, but that would be fully appreciated as a genius piece of work with huge applicability sometime well after his death.