Don’t count on the Deep Space Nine star angling for a Star Trek: O’Brien any time soon.
Same. Although it’s kind of a tradition to have the old actors on, and it can be fun, but it’s better when used to contrast how the new Treck is different / evolving
This right here. I liked how TNG did it. Series premier bring an oldster in to launch, maybe have a special episode or two with another.
If we really wanted Colm back, have it in the premier of Starfleet Academy where the new cadets are going through a hall of distinguished professors and have an elderly O’Brien do a cameo with a sample of one of his lectures. Nice to connect the show to lore and nostalgia but short enough to let the new cast stand on their own.
That said, I agree with Colm. Let O’Brien stay as he is. He had a perfect send-off.
Rather than a Starfleet lecturer I’d prefer if he was the author of a “Things they don’t teach you at the Academy” type book.
Something like “Per Starfleet regulations dilithium crystals should be set to a quarter inch technobabble. However in a pinch you can technobabble but be warned this can cause more babbling”