Don’t count on the Deep Space Nine star angling for a Star Trek: O’Brien any time soon.
I feel like Dennis the buffer buff from the Lower Decks S3 Premiere was intended to be O’Brien, (Transporter enthusiast, war veteran) but for whatever reason it didn’t pan out…
… which I honestly felt worked out for the best. Dennis was like my grandpa.
If it’s written by any of the people who wrote Picard, forget it and let the man rest in peace.
I could see something with some sort of 25th century plot with O’Brien and Bashir being enjoyable. The O’Briens would be empty-nesters by then, with Miles in a late life crisis right when a shady-as-heck Bashir draws him into some vague top secret mission.
Still, if anyone wants to see some more O’Brien suffering, there’s always the IDW stuff. Honestly, probably half of why I kept reading was the morally gray man Harry Kim grew up to be. 😁
Can we get a sitcom where O’Brien and Bashir move into a duplex condo in San Francisco with their kids and grandkids and all sorts of family friendly hijinx ensue?
Please just let the past stay in the past. Make new things! Come up with original ideas!
No shit.
I’m so tired of every project being built on nostalgia.
Strange New Worlds is so close to what I want from new Trek. I want that show, but on a new ship and a new crew set post-DS9.
I want that show, but on a new ship and a new crew set post-DS9.
This is what Picard S1&2 were but everyone vocally hated it. Good writing has nothing to do with setting.
No it wasn’t. It was another show built on nostalgia, which I specifically mentioned being tired of.
I did enjoy season 3 though.