Don’t count on the Deep Space Nine star angling for a Star Trek: O’Brien any time soon.
No shit.
I’m so tired of every project being built on nostalgia.
Strange New Worlds is so close to what I want from new Trek. I want that show, but on a new ship and a new crew set post-DS9.
I want that show, but on a new ship and a new crew set post-DS9.
This is what Picard S1&2 were but everyone vocally hated it. Good writing has nothing to do with setting.
No it wasn’t. It was another show built on nostalgia, which I specifically mentioned being tired of.
I did enjoy season 3 though.
So what you want is Star Trek that…had nothing to do with Star Trek, because literally anything using the title, concept, or characters will be, by definition, “built on nostalgia.” Got it.