“There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party - namely Barack Hussein Obama - that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone ‘better.’ Therefore, it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds,” the statement said.
This is a statement from a presidential campaign.
Trumpism at its “finest”. Still, Obama’s call for an open convention does open exactly this kind of attack. I’ve certainly BIPOC talk about it as a typically “not really culturally BIPOC” move from Obama that betrays his predominantly white cultural upbringing. Sometimes unity is better than whatever else you have in mind.
He’s half African and was raised by his white mother and grandparents. He’s not really culturally ADOS (African descendant of slaves).
So, what you’d say if I’m literally just echoing what I’ve seen other BIPOC people say?
Reporting has been he will endorse her relatively soon, now that it’s clear she has the votes to win.
Oh I’m sure. Still seems like he missed the cue that everyone else hit on time.
Yeah I was just trying to imagine living that way, so bizarre… Nothing is concrete and reality can be anything.
Well, not anything… Only the things that the fake billionaire reality TV personality (who was unironically the basis for every movie and cartoon villain throughout the 90s), tells me. Because that’s a totally rational way to behave.
The quote should be put with spoiler tags and a surgeon general’s warning that reading the contents has been shown to lower your IQ by at least four percentage points, and prolonged exposure to even seeing the words on the screen could cause permanent brain damage.
It’s okay I already have permanent brain damage, I can translate for everyone.
It says,
Donald Trump is tired of changing his pants every time someone mentions debating Harris, so we respectfully decline.
Thank you,
Your future inmate president.
Their campaign is literally saying shit that I would normally expect to hear from the mouths of 3rd world dictators. The GOP is now conspiracy theory bullshit from stem to stern.
am I reading this right? Republicans are saying that Obama thinks Kamala Harris is too Marxist to beat Trump?
what, and I cannot stress this enough:
What if she started roasting things. Completely breaking down the things they say in front of a whiteboard. I want that to be her entire campaign just… Letting them talk and then talk about it
Because what it says literally doesn’t matter, it’s just a perfectly crafted stew of buzzwords to stroke the right. We have to stop reading this shit as normal language and start understanding the code they use. It’s just about saying Obama, in their eyes an evil black muslim terrorist (hence HUSSEIN), still holds sway over the democrats, meaning the institution as a whole is infected with his evil muslim blackness, and is acknowledging Marxism, the big bad enemy of good Christian values, in a way that simultaneously aligns it with party ideology AND presents Kamala as an even-greater looming threat. This isn’t nonsense word salad, it’s meticulously crafted fearmongering to the ignorant party base whose lack of literacy they have cultivated by design.
Obama’s forthcoming speech endorsing Harris will be worth watching I think
I hope there’s a forthcoming lawsuit against the Trump campaign, because I am very, very sure that Obama is not on record publicly nor privately saying Kamala Harris is a “Marxist fraud.”
Obama will take the high road. A lawsuit would just make him martyr and give some semblance of evidence to the radical left trying to silence him and his right to free speech like the gag order. Obama really has nothing to gain but a lot to lose. He’s more coy than that based on his prior actions. I suspect that he’ll sit on that for awhile, give it its time in the media to get as widespread attention as it can, then release a statement enthusiastically endorsing her while citing her policy and character.
I said this in deeper reply, but I think it bears repeating, so I’m quoting myself here:
Because what it says literally doesn’t matter, it’s just a perfectly crafted stew of buzzwords to stroke the right. We have to stop reading this shit as normal language and start understanding the code they use. It’s just about saying Obama, in their eyes an evil black muslim terrorist (hence HUSSEIN), still holds sway over the democrats, meaning the institution as a whole is infected with his evil muslim blackness, and is acknowledging Marxism, the big bad enemy of good Christian values, in a way that simultaneously aligns it with party ideology AND presents Kamala as an even-greater looming threat. This isn’t nonsense word salad, it’s meticulously crafted fearmongering to the ignorant party base whose lack of literacy they have cultivated by design.
I made a similar comment above.
You missed the attempt at a subtle dig at the Democratic party by calling them “the Democrat party” (https://www.factcheck.org/2007/12/the-democratic-or-democrat-party/ )
They love to see shit like this because when they see those (fucking stupid) terms used, they get to feel like they have some kind of secret, inside knowledge. For a brief moment, they get to forget that they’ve alienated all of their friends and their entire family over this, and get to feel like they’re part of something.
But only for a brief moment… As a single tear drops into his Healthy Choice frozen microwave dinner and he turns on Duck Dynasty.
You missed the attempt at a subtle dig at the Democratic party by calling them “the Democrat party” (https://www.factcheck.org/2007/12/the-democratic-or-democrat-party/ )
Wow, yep, that one is new to me; thank you for educating me!. God these people and their doublespeak are exhausting.
Interesting that they are still today apparently served by mentioning Obama’s middle name.
Whenever I see Obama referred to by his full name, I instantly know that the author is pushing manipulative islamaphobic dog-whistle propaganda and everything else by such authors automatically has zero credibility, lacks substance, and the drivel is a waste of time to finish reading. I wonder if that manipulation attempt is still largely unknown, or if the rt-wing nut jobs are really just out of touch with the pursuadables they are trying to reach and thus shooting themselves in the foot.
What a pussy.
Who here had him backing out of deba…oh, most everyone.
Trump is a PUSSY
He’s such a giant pussy that he can’t debate Harris because he’ll be furiously grabbing himself for the foreseeable future.
Coward, pedophile, felon, traitor.