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I am a Meat-Popsicle

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I’m going to throw my hat in the ring on guesses.

Somebody was debugging a hard to find problem in the Amazon video client. In an attempt to try to figure out what was causing it they had it print out a message using the subtitle system. They had been looking at it for many hours, not able to correlate a certain piece of media that trigger the error so the humorous chose I hate you as the flight to let them know it just happened.

And somehow that piece of Dev code made it to production.


No matter how lopsided the vote, they’re going to try again. They’ve had four years to review how they failed last time and fix the parts that failed. Even if they fail again, they will try again every cycle.


I have 8 years to prepare to mine Bitcoin.

Also I can start making a name for myself as a prophet


A. Win it. (Looking increasingly unlikely)

B. Steal it. Most of the fake electors are still in place, they’ve had four years to hire a new sleepers

C. Coup 2.0 historically the Democrats haven’t been very smart about things and it’ll totally blindside when you pull it again only this time with more people. All those people that got locked up in serious consequences we’ll just tell them that we’ll pardon them again

D. Civil War 2.0. if he doesn’t win it, and can’t steal it, and if there’s actually military protection around the Capital for 2.0. he’ll just openly call for the south to rise again. Only this time it’s not the south, it’s the rural areas, hell plan a Vietnam style offensive where the rural armed people lay siege everywhere.

My real actual best guess is he’s tired. He’s old, he’s out of shape, he’s stressed to the nines and he’s just trying to blow off the stress, he probably does have a plan b in a plan c. His actual plan d is probably two take a flight to Russia.


One monoply fighting another monopoly… Break them both up into smaller pieces.


Guys that are putting billions of dollars into their AI companies making grand claims about AI replacing everyone in two years. Whoda thunk it


Screw that You’re all great everybody from slackware to steam deck.


Used to work for a gaming company that had a really big Facebook presence.

When most companies launched a new game they would just launch the game connect to Facebook and call it a day.

But when we launched a new game we would turn on cross-promotion and send millions of users to the new game day one.

The problem is that Facebooks load balancers don’t scale quickly. And if you start sending millions of people to a game that just errors, it’s pretty bad for marketing.

So we had a script that you would run for an hour before you went to launch a game that would start making hundreds then thousands than tens of thousands of connections to Facebook giving their load balancers time to scale.

Well, I didn’t write the tool I was just given it and the documentation on it was kind of sparse at the time. I started with the value of 30,000. Weeeellll, turns out a sane value would have been 3-5 as it multiplied whatever input you gave it by 10K.

My cluster made sweet love with their cluster, and Facebook went down for about 3 hours.

Within a week they had some pretty decent changes to their new API limit subsystem.


There was a article years ago. A young woman started getting Target coupons for diapers and baby formula. A few weeks later she found out she was pregnant. She had been using her loyalty card to make purchases and had bought unscented hand cream and some other low perfume things that apparently are usually purchased by people who are expecting as their sense of smell becomes heightened and the sents become overwhelming.

Honestly I’d like to see a ban on targeted pharmaceutical advertisement. Prescription medication should be between you and your doctor.



“Our community has literally cooked 100s of millions of times with our app. Unfortunately, each connected cook costs us money.”

The cooker, It’s FUCKING Bluetooth. It doesn’t need to call home, it can’t call home. The App, It has a list of 35 different sous vide recipes that could live on the app. The app has no business calling home, they don’t need a server.
