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I am a Meat-Popsicle

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Just read about the case because I was kind of interested figured I’d share

Apparently his brother Ron had his own comedy show dubbed himself Gallagher II even though he was not Gallagher II

I assume the family side with Ron wanting a second shot in ancestral money and fame and Leo was still too salty that is unchanging act throughout the years was no longer bringing in the bucks and refuse to let him use his name as a springboard


Yeah but they’re all so currently remodeling their dining rooms for second time since COVID.

And also I think they forgot to do the part about the quality products. The The quality went down in 2019 and it has never come back they Jack the hell out of the price and keep going.

It’s like they think the reason people aren’t going there as much as they used to is because the dining rooms aren’t pretty.


Had a little spark of glee looking at a fellow nix user in the wild

Defined in /nix/store/vicfr


Maybe an electrode with a lot of age on it was nearly burned up and one more flip on managed to blast a little clean spot on it.

Maybe you had a short in your ballast that got hot enough to change material properties a little and not become a short anymore.

Maybe your ballast was loose and had an open line and it just managed to wiggle enough to work again.

Maybe your ballast is partially shorted and ineffective at certain voltages and your temperature in the room is now cold enough to work with a lower potential ballast.

Maybe you had a shorted cap that leaked and then burned itself the rest of the way out and is now open.


Although he was admittedly more fun to watch in concert than kr


Go look at YouTube videos about thermostatic radiator valves. You can replace the head pretty easily.


Yeah you can’t tell anybody on this site that you pulled some data from AI. Even if you followed the link and found the actual report and the numbers matched up you’ll still get down voted into oblivion.

The mass layoffs are definitely pure greed. At one point they served a purpose of ebb and flow and separating the wheat from the chaff, but things aren’t that healthy anymore.

Crunch time was great when it came with the bonuses and liberal vacation.

But now, anything that’s worth a damn gets bought up into large public companies who need to satisfy shareholders. Even the private stuff is still subject to the whims of the executives. There are still some good places to land out there but they’re slowly getting trashed over time.


Yes this meme is dated. You can run proprietary stuff in bookworm with just a couple of check boxes.


I was working for a big company, middle upper level technical position.One of my ex co-workers went to work for Disney. He hooked me up with an interview. They flew me in, rented me a car.

They brought me in to the interview. I sat around for about an hour and a half before they were ready. They came in and grilled me on uncommon proprietary Linux management packages. At the time I was managing a couple of 10,000 node clusters, had been running them for years. Of the four guys in the interview three of them just dismissed me. After the interview I headed out, wasn’t really mad but I was pretty disappointed the fourth guy pulled me aside and said I think they were being extremely unfair to you in there if you are really interested in trying to work your way in here reach out to me and I can advocate for you.

After the interview I farted around LA for a couple of hours and then flew home.

After some reflection I realized I really didn’t want to work with those other three guys. I never reached back out.

4 months later Disney dissolved that department.
