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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

FYI: Human, check reCAPTCHA log /s

[Song: Civil War]

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What about the Hobble…, half-hobbyte…?


I was able to find two additional articles:

  1. Russia’s First Transgender Politician Announces Detransition [May 16, 2024 | The Moscow Times]

The Moscow Times is Russia’s leading, independent English-language media outlet. Our team of Russian and English journalists provide readers across the world with breaking news, engaging stories and balanced reporting about the largest country on Earth.

  1. Transgender Russian politician says he has detransitioned [Lucy Papachristou and Bernadette Baum | May 16, 2024 | Reuters]

This post reminds me of the video below, where they talk about Sinclair Broadcast scripts:

Pulling strings: Sinclair Broadcast’s ‘fake news’ scandal | The Listening Post [08:03 | APR 10 18 | Al Jazeera English]

Corporations only share certain news and information with the public; we must not be afraid of being highly critical of those with power and influence, especially legacy media and politicians (government and three-letter agencies), due to most of them pushing owner-class talking points.

By also following journalists that are critical of Al Jazeera, we lower our self made echochambers and bubbles:

Qatar’s Al Jazeera provides valuable reporting from Gaza but spreads lies about Syria, Russia, and Venezuela.

The speaker criticizes Qatar and Western liberalism for hypocritically supporting Palestinians on human rights but failing to support wider resistance against imperialism, stressing the need to shatter this hypocrisy for true liberation in Palestine.

I shared these two quotes in a summary of a video post I made:


All is well, it was only:


You are correct, only a few left:

Reason below:

All Nitter public instances shut down.

There are no public instances left for you to use.

Why ?

Nitter has already been struggling to keep up with the changes Twitter made on their side after 2022.

In January 2024, the Twitter API used by Nitter to fetch data from Twitter got shut down.

Without this, there is no way to run instances on the scale needed for the public instances that got listed here.

That’s unfortunate. But I still want to use Nitter !

If you want to continue running Nitter, you can do so using a normal Twitter account.

Do note however, that this cannot and will not scale, and is in a legal grey-area. Proceed at your own risk.

See here for setting up Nitter if you feel brave enough and don’t fear the command line.

But there are some instances ?

Through he thankless work of some there is a tiny amount of instances left. These will be slow and can not expose RSS to prevent the huge volume bot attacks. The latter one also makes captchas and other anti-botting methods a requirement.


Is there not a saying about this, I forget the direct one…

How would you push back against these, I know many working class people are born hearing them, as well as people starting their own businesses…

Here are some similar ones though:

“Never use your own money when you can spend someone else’s.”

— Ken Follett

Kenneth Martin Follett, is a Welsh author of thrillers and historical novels who has sold more than 160 million copies of his works.

[Picture below says: ‘First Rule of Money: Never use your own.’]


Do not show weakness, for they will use it to fuel their road rage; the zipper method is the known law in our neck of the woods; fight for your right to merge!


“If you’re looking across all of the hominids, which is the family tree after the split with chimpanzees, there [are] not really that many traits that we can point to that we can say are exclusively human,” Duke University’s James Pampush tells Robert Siegel for NPR. “[T]hose animals all walked on two legs. The one thing that really sticks out is the chin.”

One of the most popular ideas is that our ancestors evolved chins to strengthen our lower jaws to withstand the stresses of chewing. But according to Pampush, the chin is in the wrong place to reinforce the jaw. As for helping us speak, he doubts that the tongue generates enough force to make this necessary. A third idea is that the chin could help people choose mates, but sexually selective features like this typically only develop in one gender, Pampush tells Siegel.

The spandrel hypothesis is as good a theory as any, but it too has its problems. It’s hard to find evidence to test if something is an evolutionary byproduct, especially if it doesn’t serve an obvious function. But if researchers one day do manage to figure out where the chin came from, it could put together another piece of the puzzle of what makes us different from our primate and Neanderthal cousins, Yong writes.


I say, test both of them!

They should both be tested for drugs often, the working class is forced to undergo drug testing, why not the owner class as well, they are ‘civil servants’; by multiple people and organizations, that would be fun to see differences in reports and writeups, even more if data is shown on what chemicals are in their system.

The claims arrive as Trump himself changes his tune on how well Biden may perform at the CNN debate. Having previously called Biden the “worst debater I have ever faced,” Trump recently told the All-In Podcast that the president will be a “worthy debater” and that he does not want to “underestimate” Biden on Thursday.

“If President Biden needs to take performance enhancing drugs in order to participate in this week’s debate, then it is imperative that he and his physician disclose that to the American people,” Jackson said. “CNN’s people leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016,” Grenell posted on X. Grenell was making reference to previous reports on how former chair of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile gave notice to Clinton’s team about a debate question ahead of her 2016 debate with Trump.

“CNN’s people leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016,” Grenell posted on X. Grenell was making reference to previous reports on how former chair of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile gave notice to Clinton’s team about a debate question ahead of her 2016 debate with Trump.

Responding to the incident, Leavitt told Newsweek: "CNN cutting off my microphone for bringing up a debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies just proves our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly in Thursday’s debate.


Think deeply about things. Don’t just go along because that’s the way things are or that’s what your friends say. Consider the effects, consider the alternatives, but most importantly, just think. ― Aaron Swartz

There is no justice in following unjust laws. It’s time to come into the light and, in the grand tradition of civil disobedience, declare our opposition to this private theft of public culture. ― Aaron Swartz
