Those photos at them working all over the world in exotic locations, including the FTX condos in the Bahamas… … and still referring to themselves as “charity workers.”
At the risk of kind of picking around the edges here … something caught my eye in #5:
Michael successfully alerted me to the fact that crime has risen by a factor of ten over the past century, which seems REALLY IMPORTANT and nobody else is talking about it and it seems like the sort of thing that more people than just Michael should be paying attention to.
This claim is ridiculous. The homicide rate in the US was something like 30 or 40 per 100,000 people in colonial times, reducing every century, and it’s around 5 right now, since the increase from the 1960s - 1990s has gone back down.
Maybe, in the past 100 years, we have passed so many bajillion new statutes that it has increased crime tenfold, but that’s not what the reactionaries are saying at all.
“Balaji has the highest rate of output per minute of good new ideas of anybody I’ve ever met,” wrote Marc Andreessen.
10/10, no notes
Starting a wall of text with a non sequitur is a bold strategy. I cannot follow his 9/11 logic at all.
Not a cult.
from r/EnoughMuskSpam
I like the wet your finger and stick it up in the air forecasting model. OK - there’s 1.5 billion pocket-sized iPhones - so let’s say 2 billion person-sized robots, you know,
I’m wondering about the supply chain issues just making the extra half billion robots, might be kind of a big deal. Are there enough rare minerals in the whole world to do this? Lithium batteries? Computer chips?
Also, yeah, valuation based on revenue and not EBITA / profit margins, but whatever.