I dont get the hardons for whaling like this in places like Japan. If Inuits or other native people are whaling because it actually preserves a hundreds of year old tradition and feeds their village, fine whatever. But industrial whaling from modern ships has nothing culturally important to preserve, nor is it remotely necessary for feeding the Japanese.
The German chancellor just announced today that they will send more weapons to Israel, as now would be the time to be steadfast by their side. The foreign minister gave some bullshit of “the weapons need to be used in accordance with international law” veil…
I am so tired of this country proudly descending into the worst of its past.
I also love how the safe prompts in office 365 are putting “this computer” in quotation marks.
Können wir vielleicht mal den Elefanten im Raum ansprechen?
Das vorspielen eines “Tradwife” ist für die erfolgreichen Influencerinnen ein Job. Sie erhalten Geld dafür, dass für ihre Kanäle Werbung geschalten werden kann. Dazu kommen dann noch direkte Verträge für Produktplatzierungen. ggf. kommt noch Geld von entsprechenden Lobbygruppen dazu.
Diese Frauen leben den beworbenen Lebensstil garnicht. Sie können garkeine authentische Quelle dafür sein. Wenn ich Geld dafür bekäme, mich geschminkt beim Putzen, Kochen und Tischdecken zu filmen, würde ich mir das auch überlegen.
Ist dann aber was völlig Anderes, als wenn ich das im Rahmen meiner Haushaltsführung unentgeltlich miterledigen muss und dann vom Einkommen meines Partners oder meiner Partnerin angewiesen bin.
What did the Arab spring give the people in the end?
Syria? never ending civil war between factions controlled by foreign interests
Lybia? never ending civil war between factions controlled by foreign interests
Tunesia? temporary improvements now to be revoked by a new authoritarian
Egypt? temporary improvements followed by an US backed coup installing an even worse military dictator
Maybe we were just naive in thinking that social media back then wasn’t already doing the bidding of governments against people.
In a report this week, the institute found that of the top 10 most-engaged posts on X about the shooting on Wednesday, six “either expressed explicit or implicit support for the killing or denigrated the victim.” The dynamic is similar to the discourse that often emerges after a mass shooting on websites like 4chan and 8chan, where perpetrators of extreme violence become memes themselves, Mr. Goldenberg said, “but what’s disturbing about this is it’s mainstream.”
Get fucked neo-liberal media. What an isane gaslighting comparision. This was a targeted assasination. Are you now afraid that people direct their anger at the sources of it, rather than the peasants killing each other?
This has to be the most bizzare proxy war, i have ever heard about.
Two countries with a shared culltural history to go to join a war on the other side of the world, as not to fight in their demilitarized border zone. But unlike in “normal” proxy wars, they both send soldiers.