When the game went from 1 alien to many aliens was when it outstayed it’s welcome for me.
Most everything else was paced well enough and fun but by then it was too long and the last portion of the game after that was more about having enough flamethrower ammunition to keep the aliens at bay as your sprinted
Yeah ngl sometimes I just get sad when the game offers only multiplayer or the single player mode was designed clearly as an afterthought
Def means my next phone I’m buying I make sure has a micro SD slot…
I love emulation on my phone as a hobby and his is hitting the sweet spot where by the time I need to upgrade again in a few years everything up through PS2 generation should be full speed even on mid tier phones that typically still offer micro SD
And 8 tb of micro SD is enough space to carry literally entire romsets for every system I like besides PS2/GameCube which is fine.
Wouldn’t this include Musk ?
California would do so much better on its own I feel like
Bigger question to me is why haven’t the hackers just uploaded the details to like pastebin or some other neutral data upload site ? That seems to have been what was done in the past and in turn given the media free reign to share the info