The Democratic Socialists of America pulled its endorsement of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York this week, accusing the progressive congresswoman of being insufficiently supportive of the Palestinian cause and efforts to end the war in Gaza…

Her approach has increasingly strained her relationship with some of the left’s most strident critics of Israel. When she rallied last month in the Bronx with Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Jamaal Bowman, dozens of pro-Palestinian demonstrators angry over her endorsement of Mr. Biden chanted “You’re a fraud, A.O.C.”

54 points

Can I just say FUCK The Democratic Socialists of America, those scumbags can eat a bag of dicks.

Just look at their stances, views, and activities:

  • They blame the US for the Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • They want the US to pressure Ukraine to surrender to Russia under the guise “negotiations”
  • They want the US to leave NATO
  • They support the Venezuelan dictator, Maduro, so much that they literally sent a fucking delegation there to meet him
  • They organized a tone deaf pro-Palestinian rally on Oct 8th right after the attacks when the world was still in shock
  • They outright want the destruction of Israel. Not a two state solution, not coexistence, but the eradication of Israel
  • They quite literally want open borders
  • The organization is full of full blown vile Marxists who to “abolish capitalism” and establish socialism
  • They condemn social democracy
  • In 2016 they refused to endorse Hillary and spearheaded the movements that called for people to boycott voting Democrat, which led to Trump winning
  • In 2020 they refused to endorse Biden and spearheaded the movements that called for people to boycott voting Democrat, which helped Trump make the election closer than it should’ve been
  • In 2024 they’re doing the same exact thing by refusing to endorse Biden again

They have ALWAYS simped for all the dictators and authoritarian regimes. They have always had the most brain dead stances on foreign policy issues. They subscribe to a colossal failure of an ideology, and their interests are not with the US succeeding. They are nothing more than assets of our foreign adversaries.

The organization and movement at large is nothing more than the far left and the most whacko of Bernie Supporters that even he is uncomfortable with. I’m glad AOC went from being a fringe extremist politician to becoming more pragmatic and moderate. She has been winning me over more and more lately, and this just proves that she’s moving in the right direction. Once again, the DSA can get fucked.

-10 points

None of the things you mentioned are why they withdrew the endorsement of AOC. Your entire comment is strawmen of why you don’t like them. They compromised with AOC on all the points you stated above… and then AOC went on to support literal Genocide and Apartheid.

I’m glad AOC went from being a fringe extremist politician to becoming more pragmatic and moderate.

Yeah supporting Genocide to advance in politics like a real “pragmatic moderate” liberal. Imagine praising this level of snakery.

-3 points

I’m pointing out why the DSA is a shitty organization and movement, them turning on AOC is merely another example.

Also, you’re not principled, and neither are they. They unironically support genocide against Israel and against Ukraine, they’re just picking and choosing which genocides to support. Not to mention, that AOC has the most reasonable stance on the war imaginable. She condemns the actions of the Israeli government, she condemns the actions of the Palestinian groups, and she wants them to work towards of a ceasefire and a hostage release for the benefit of the people.

You can go live in your delusional world where Trump is elected and is giving the Netanyahu his full support for Israel to fully annex the West Bank and Gaza, but hey at least you stuck it to the Democrats and stood by your anti-pragmatic politics. As for the rest of us? We’re still grounded in reality where Trump is still the biggest threat to our democracy.

3 points

They unironically support genocide against Israel

I see that your knowledge of DSA is liberal propaganda talking points. Creating strawmen and ad-hominems out of thin air is a skill to behold.

4 points

This is such a disingenuous argument.

A socialist endorsing the only candidate capable of defeating a fascist in November is not “endorsing genocide” just because the candid she endorsed in weak on Israel.

If there was another candidate she could endorse that both had a chance of beating Trump and was sufficiently anti-Israel, I too would be critical of her choice to endorse Biden, but he is literally the only acceptable option she has available.

Trump has promised to provide more support to Israel with fewer restrictions on how they can use the weapons we give them, so if you’re earnestly trying to minimize damage to the Palestinian people, your primary goal has to be to keep Trump out of the White House.

If you care more about getting the perfect progressive candidate, and are willing to go scorched earth over it and let Trump win just to send a message, you can drop the act about caring about progressive things, because Israel will completely flatten Gaza without opposition, and we’re probably going to start genociding homeless and queer people here at home too.

So remember that, after the election is over, we will remember who voted for and against Fascism, and l “not voting for Trump” isn’t going to be enough to protect you.

0 points

AOC fully supported the Genocide for multiple months under the classic “israel has the right to defend itself”, only started turning around when it was time for her elections.

She recently invited ADL ZIonists on her live stream to push AIPAC propaganda and agreed with them, which is what is stated as the final straw that broke the camel’s back.

Now she advocates for Genocide Joe for no apparent reason when even the establishment Democrats are trying to push him out for another candidate.

“This is such a disingenuous argument.” btw.

3 points

I’m an AOC supporter, here’s the thing: She demonstrates a separation of Jewish people and Israel government. I support that. In addition, I noticed that Israelis can’t seem to tell attacks on Israel from uninvolved people is more directed at government. I always knew attacks on US were directed at government in Bush era.

2 points

Plenty of Jewish people can tell apart attacks on the Israel government are not attacks on Jewish people.

-6 points

Lmao bro just found out about leftist politics and is PISSED

-2 points

No, the far left has always been vile, but the DSA is especially annoying because they actively hurt the Democrats and help the Republicans.

2 points

Because Democrats are not leftists, they routinely sell-out their leftist constituents and their policy goals in favor of maintaining the status-quo (e.g. reactionary - see ’s comment)

Any genuine socialist/leftist can recognize the democratic party is adversarial - of course they are going to be antagonistic toward them. That they recognize or support any democratic representatives is amazing, frankly.

8 points
3 points
Deleted by creator
7 points

That sure is a lot of claims without one single source for any of them.

2 points

Everything I said can be found either on their own website or their wiki page:

-7 points

Go on hexbear and ask them

-2 points

Why do y’all hate evidence so much?

47 points

The organization is full of full blown vile Marxists who to “abolish capitalism” and establish socialism

Well, yeah, they’re socialists. Why shouldn’t they want to abolish capitalism and establish socialism? There’s nothing vile about that.

They outright want the destruction of Israel.

The dissolution of the state of Israel. Their worldview understands it as a settler-colonial ethnostate, just like former apartheid South Africa was. Jews, Christians, Muslims and others co-existed in Palestine before the Zionist state of Israel was established, the two-state situation is segregation caused by the establishment of a Zionist regime.

They organized a tone deaf pro-Palestinian rally on Oct 8th right after the attacks when the world was still in shock

That is a perfectly-appropriate time to rally support. They are pro-Palestinian and wanted to make it clear that people believed the resistance was supported, regardless of whether they are critical of the methods. The mass media gets to have its voice immediately, so rallies should not wait either.

They condemn social democracy

Yes. Democratic socialists are not capitalists and would not consider liberal democracy (especially the US version!) a working form of democracy, and don’t consider social capitalist parties within it to be effective because they must work within a broken system. Social democracy is a false hope to them.

And their interests are not with the US succeeding, they are nothing more than assets of our foreign adversaries.

Most socialists will understand the US as a settler-colonial imperialist state from day 1, so yes, their interests are ultimately that the US (as we know it) should stop being imperial terrorists that most of the world (including state allies) hate. But to call that being “nothing more than assets of our foreign adversaries” is ignorant of the very real and growing discontent with the US’s own borders. A lot of US citizens hate the US governments and how they work, and to blame that on foreign adversaries will ultimately prevent them from being solved and prevent their numbers growing.

-23 points

Well, yeah, they’re socialists. Why shouldn’t they want to abolish capitalism and establish socialism? There’s nothing vile about that.

No, that in itself is vile. The reason why neo Nazis are despised is because they subscribe to a hateful, idealist, and tyrannical ideology that ended up failing every time it was tried and has killed tens of millions of people. There’s another idealist ideology that also got popular around the same time, but had the same fate of failure, tyranny, and resulted in the deaths of tens of millions… what was that ideology again? Oh that’s right, it’s Marxist socialism. You’re not morally superior to fascists, you’re just as trash as them. If Marxist socialists had a similar movement in size and influence to Trump and MAGA and were in a position to win, the sane majority would be just as terrified, and rightfully so.

The dissolution of the state of Israel

“We stand against genocide!!! …but not that one, that one is okay”

Jews, Christians, Muslims and others co-existed in Palestine before the Zionist state of Israel was established, the two-state situation is segregation caused by the establishment of a Zionist regime.

This is the type of ignorance that I expect from Marxists. Israel and Palestine are both artificial states created around the same time. There has literally never been a moment in human history where a sovereign state called Palestine existed. Before the current states Israel and Palestine, there was the British Mandate that was arbitrarily drawn… just like the British and French did with the rest of the region. Before that, it was the Turkish Ottoman Empire, and they had completely different divisions of the region. Before that, it was the Egyptian Malmuk Empire, and they also had their own divisions of the region. The same thing goes for the Ayyubid Caliphate, the Abbasid Caliphate, and the crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem… but at that point we’ve gone back 1000 years. This narrative that you cling to is not true.

That is a perfectly-appropriate time to rally support.

Ukraine just got invaded, quick, hold a pro-Russian rally. What? ISIS just massacred a Yezidi village? I guess it’s a perfectly appropriate time to hold a pro ISIS rally. Hmm, Al Qaeda appears to have launched planes into buildings in New York, I guess it’ll be wise to stand solidarity with the islamist resistence.

Because why be principled and stand with victims against senseless violence when we can be a brain dead ideologue who’s pro terrorism and genocide when it suits your ideological goals and anti terrorism and genocide when it doesn’t? If you ever wondered why the far left never seems to get a foothold anywhere, this is why.

They are pro-Palestinian and wanted to make it clear that people believed the resistance was supported, regardless of whether they are critical of the methods. The mass media gets to have its voice immediately, so rallies should not wait either.

What kind of a heartless ghoul do you have to be to support the Oct 7th terrorist attacks against innocent civilians?

Yes. Democratic socialists are not capitalists and would not consider liberal democracy (especially the US version!) a working form of democracy, and don’t consider social capitalist parties within it to be effective because they must work within a broken system. Social democracy is a false hope to them.

Of course, of course. I mean why would you ever support a pragmatic ideology that has consciously proven to be a success to those who have tried it and has resulted in the freest, most democratic, and most prosperous societies in human history when you can support a failed tyrannical ideology that has killed tens of millions? Clearly, with the power of hindsight at our disposal, we can clearly see the latter is a better choice than the former /s.

Most socialists will understand the US as a settler-colonial imperialist state from day 1,

That’s literally the origin of every single country in history. What alternate reality do you live in?

so yes, their interests are ultimately that the US (as we know it) should stop being imperial terrorists that most of the world (including state allies) hate.

So let me get this straight, you unironically think that America is an illegitimate terrorist state and you’re openly working against American interests, and you expect Americans to support you? How dumb do you have to be to think that Americans in America would cheer on for idiots that think their country is evil, illegitimate, and should be destroyed? Not only are these claims false, but you’re not really driving home that your ideology is not the result of foreign adversaries.

But to call that being “nothing more than assets of our foreign adversaries” is ignorant of the very real and growing discontent with the US’s own borders.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. When you cheer on for America’s adversaries, when you interests are openly against the country, when you conveniently align with foreign adversaries on most things, when you employ tactics like revisionism, propaganda, and double standards to demonize the US but justify, excuse, and downplay America’s adversaries doing questionable shit… then your movement is probably a foreign assest.

A lot of US citizens hate the US governments and how they work, and to blame that on foreign adversaries will ultimately prevent them from being solved and prevent their numbers growing

There are real problems within the country that need to be addressed, however, you’re not an alternative or a part of the solution. The far left is a part of the problem. There will never be a day in this country where you will see power, and hopefully the same exact thing is true for the far right. Extremists belong in secluded online echo chambers, not in positions of power.

13 points

Imagine defending capitalism and Israel with what’s been in the news lately. Boomer mentality.

9 points

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

The question one has to ask, if someone is as committed to burying the truth as you, what kind of duck does that make you? A bigot duck?

5 points

You know Stalinism isn’t the only type of socialism, right?

The reason the DSA’s predecessors added “democratic” to their name was to explicitly say that they’re not Stalinists.

That every nation-state is built on a foundation of blood is a fairly common belief among socialists. You are not making the point you think you are. This is particularly blatant in some countries; some don’t just have to deal with the effects of a colonialist past, but have a colonialist present. This is why socialists focus so much on the USA and Israel.

Furthermore, the USA’s imperialism is the reason it has so many enemies. You treat them as evil demons out to get your country. Many are. But consider for a moment why they became this way. Why do people keep becoming terrorists? Why does reactionary populism hold so much sway over the people of these foreign adversaries?

Social democracy hides the flaws of capitalism under the rug, rather than solving them. The corporations of Sweden treat their workers at home well, it is true. But what of the workers abroad? The Swedish designer gets to sit in a comfy office and earn a great salary designing clothing after going through college for free. The Singaporean sweatshop worker that makes the clothing earns pennies. Under capitalism, one cannot exist without the other. Attempts to implement social democracy in a poor country that relies on plantations and sweatshops seldom go well. You mentioned one example yourself: Venezuela.

I will not excuse the bad takes the DSA have on foreign policy, nor the idealized past where Palestine was a land of perfect harmony that the other guy imagines, because you have a point there. You do not have a point about socialism overall. These people are trying to achieve a better future: one where people truly govern themselves, rather than taking orders from a greedy board of directors or a power-hungry politburo. I don’t like their love of electoralism or their position on Ukraine, but they’re actually striving for a future we can be proud of. They’re not conjuring the vengeful spirit of McCarthy, who sees foreign agents everywhere, nor are they channeling Fukuyama and saying that what we have now is the best there is and the best there ever will be. Can you say the same?

1 point

what was that ideology again? Oh that’s right, it’s Marxist socialism

Marxist socialism isn’t idealist. In fact, it’s one of the few ideologies which isn’t idealist. It’s based on an scientific economic analysis of capitalism. Contrast this against our current system, liberalism, which is the failed idealization of liberty. Liberalism neglectfully kills hundreds of millions even in developed and politically-stable countries, but it’s just normal at this point.

You’re not morally superior to fascists

Morality is idealism.

If Marxist socialists had a similar movement in size and influence to Trump and MAGA and were in a position to win, the sane majority would be just as terrified

Oh no, they’re going to improve life expectancy and stop billionaires wasting all our hard work! The terror!

If anything, you, SleezyDizasta, should want Marxists to be in a position which threatens the ruling parties, because them being threatened is the only way you will ever get any of that big list of reforms you posted, bargaining to try and deradicalize the masses away from unrest. We saw this happen in Western bloc countries near the USSR such as the Nordic countries, considered the most progressive but gradually sinking back in line with the rest of Europe now.

dissolution is genocide

Dissolution doesn’t even suggest killing, at all. I don’t think you know what words mean.

This is the type of [whole paragraph]

I was referring to Palestine. Perhaps I should have specifically said ‘the region of Palestine’ but I didn’t want to be condescending by stating the obvious.

How dumb do you have to be to think that Americans in America would cheer on for idiots that think their country is evil, illegitimate, and should be destroyed?

How dumb do you have to be to think that most Americans like their governments?

[skipped over a lot of obvious bad-faith bullshit lol]

18 points

“A vote for Bart is a vote for anarchy!”

9 points

Heh, it’s poetry.

12 points

Man I was with you until you suggested abolishing capitalism was a bad thing. Why is that a bad thing?

-9 points

Let me ask you this, why can’t we regulate capitalism to work for us? Just think of what we can do:

  • Greatly expand and enforce strong environmental regulations
  • Expand and enforce anti trust laws to break monopolies
  • Improve working conditions
  • Remove money from politics
  • Ban lobbying
  • Increase the minimum wage to something livable and tie it to inflation
  • Improve the justice system to hold CEOs and other big executives accountable for any crimes they commit and punish them accordingly
  • Tie worker wages to CEO salaries or company revenue
  • Fix all the tax loopholes and have corporations and billionaires pay their fair share
  • Improve the social safety net so people can have their basic needs met
  • Expand regulations to protect consumers
  • Expand regulations for price gouging and enforce them
  • Update our outdated zoning laws to allow for the building of more houses
  • Remove the shitty regulations that prevent public transport from being built
  • Ban any attempts to equate corporations with people
  • Implement ranked choice voting and get rid of first past the vote
  • Change the way we measure the health of the economy from GDP and stock market trends to things like median income, life expectancy, levels of happiness, mental and physical health, childhood success rate, rates of substance abuse, crime rates, social mobility, and so on
  • Incentivize companies and people that do more to help their communities and punish those that actively harm them

These are not radical ideas and they’re not new, these are all already in place in capitalist societies all around the world. We know they work and we know capitalism works, so why not make it better? Capitalism doesn’t have to be this dystopian reality where corporations own everything and everybody else lives in poverty struggling to make ends meet. It could also be this great system that is centered around humanity and works to the benefit of the people. A system where the value of a person matters more than a dollar amount. These ideas aren’t antithetical to capitalism. Capitalism is just tool, it’s a flexible one too, there’s nothing stopping us from shaping it to serve us and our values. Why not pursue that instead of trying to pursue some an ideology that has literally failed? After so many attempts, so many failures, so many people killed, when is it time to move on? Marxist socialism isn’t the way forward, it’s a way of the past.

12 points

Because all that is absolute and total fantasy. Capitalism does not allow for any of it. And even if you can succeed temporarily and installing any of it capitalism will find the crack and destroy it. You’re trying to fight against the nature of a thing. The absolute core tenant capitalism is the exploitation and enslavement of the working class. The only incentive, only, is more short-term profit. That’s it. Anyone who thinks you can do anything else is dreaming. Capitalism is incapable of surviving in a pluralistic society. Capital is incapable of adjusting to the needs of a society as a whole. Capitalism is incapable of taking into account the needs of the many versus the needs of the single. You cannot fight against that, that’s its purpose.

There is a reason that capitalism tends to lead to fascism.

15 points

Because Warren Buffet wasn’t joking when he said:

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

He also wasn’t attempting to raise awareness of the issue as evidenced by his disowning his granddaughter when she did try to raise awareness of the issue by being interviewed for the documentary The 1% by one of the Johnson kids.

They won’t allow us to regulate them, and have each killed hundreds of millions of us so far. I believe the phrase is believe someone when they tell you who they are, these people are unrepentant murderers, thieves, and environmental terrorists at an unprecedented level. They woke up and chose violence, we can only choose self defense at this point.

10 points

How does the laundry list not include the prerequisite to achieving all that: the people seizing the means of producing and distributing media. The medium holds us captive.

6 points

Because the employing class and their political power won’t let us.

Capitalism denies people their humanity and treats people like things. For example, 1 test for whether a system recognizes people’s humanity is whether or not it holds them responsible for the positive and/or negative results of their action. Capitalism fails there because it holds the employer solely legally responsible for workers’ joint de facto actions in the workplace.

Marxism is not the only alternative @politics

4 points

This person has swallowed so much red scare nonsense it’s impossible to actually engage with them on this topic.

15 points

Choose love, not hate:

“You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry. Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism. There must be a better distribution of wealth, and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.”

-13 points

Yeah, there’s pretty big damn difference between MLK fighting for equality during segregation in 1964 and the DSA simping for dictators and helping fascist MAGA win.

Also for the record, NONE of the Scandinavian countries are democratic socialist. Every single one is a capitalist liberal democracy. This idea that any of the Scandinavian countries are anywhere near socialist is misinformation spread by Bernie during his campaigns. The Danish PM at the time even had to address this publicly:

Speaking at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Danish PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen told students that he had “absolutely no wish to interfere the presidential debate in the US” but nonetheless attempted to set the record straight about his country.

"I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy,” Rasmussen said.


5 points

The word you were looking for is social market economy, you are welcome.

No, the Nordic countries are not socialist of course but with Americans you don’t want to get into specifics of socialism because their compass is way off there.

16 points

The organization is full of full blown vile Marxists who to “abolish capitalism” and establish socialism

Holy shit, the democratic socialists of america are socialists

21 points

Oh no the literal tankies are against her what will she do? These people are not Democratic socialists, they’re not even leftists. These people suck the dick of totalitarianism.

8 points

They’re not all “tankies:”

Who’s Who in DSA: A Guide to DSA Caucuses

Red Star isn’t even a large faction.

1 point

They’re not all “tankies:”

In 1956, a “Tankie” was someone who endorsed the Stalin’s tanks driving through Hungary to suppress a counter-revolution.

In 1989, a “Tankie” was someone who endorsed the Deng Xiaoping’s tanks driving through Tienanmen Square to suppress a student riot.

In 2024, a “Tankie” is someone who thinks Netanyahu’s tanks driving through Gaza to suppress the Al Aqsa Flood has gone too far.

7 points

The DSA aren’t all tankies, the socialist majority caucus within the DSA, a majority caucus, is very lenient on their position concerning Israel:

Conditioning aid to Israel

The NPC had a brief political discussion about the progress of the “No Money for Massacres” campaign. Renée framed the conversation by walking through potential scenarios of an Israel military aid package, including the possibility of amendments that set conditions for the aid. One example is a recent Senate proposal that would require foreign aid recipients to comply with international law.

In the middle of this discussion, Marxist Unity Group members put forward a motion that would have, among other things. established DSA’s position as not supportive of harm reduction measures such as conditioning Israeli aid. This motion failed by a large margin with several abstentions, and it’s not difficult to see why: The motion was out of touch with our current political moment.

Currently, a supermajority of Congress has not publicly supported a ceasefire and remains supportive of military aid to Israel. Barring a massive shift in public and congressional opinion—which DSA is working diligently to achieve—an Israel aid package likely has the necessary votes for passage.

If aid is going to pass anyway, the very least DSA and our endorsed congressmembers can do is use the vote to propagandize. For example, when the House voted on a Republican Israel aid package last month, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced an amendment to bar the use of white phosphorus against civilians.

AOC was almost certainly aware that there was no chance her amendment would pass; indeed, it wasn’t even brought to a vote. That’s because it wasn’t intended to pass. Rather it was a strategic move to highlight the war crimes Israel is committing against the Palestinian people. And if the amendment had been brought to a vote, it would have put pro-Israel Democrats on the defensive and forced them to vote down a clear rejection of war crimes.

MUG’s motion missed the point of why amendments like this are filed in the first place. The motion would have required DSA not to support amendments like AOC’s, blurring the message we are trying to send about Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

That’s why we’re pleased that the NPC recently voted to endorse Sen. Sanders’ 502B© resolution, which would require the U.S. State Department to issue a report on Israel’s human rights practices within thirty days and cut off all security assistance if they fail to do so. Legislation like this can expose both parties’ blatant disregard for human rights and put pro-Israel congressmembers on the defensive.

I’m posting this significant portion because many don’t have time to read the whole position. I would encourage you to expand your opinion of what the DSA represents and its capabilities.

If you disagree with them, fine, but don’t misrepresent their positions.

24 points

What does tankie mean to you in this context? Actually curious, because I don’t get it… it’s starting to become like “woke” in my mind.

0 points

“Tankie” is absolutely the chronically online moderate Democrat’s version of woke.

1 point

I laughed reading all the responses below… you’re the most correct just based on that alone.

It’s like The People’s Front of Judeah sketch playing out in real time. Tribalism and the need for absolutism in uncertainty.

8 points

ok, so people who pretend like the Russians and/or Chinese being communists and justifying their fascistic imperialist actions, while going on about American imperialism as the literal sole antagonist of the universe are by definition tankies.

and the DCA are tankies, you can find it in a lot of their publications if you read them, for example, the basis for supporting the free Palestine students movement isn’t to support the Palestinian people in the creation of their own state, as a principle right of any group of peoples, but rather because they believe it would hemm in American imperialist power in the Middle East

6 points

I’m pretty confident that DCA is not tankie. The DSA has social democratic caucuses which I have linked, here.

4 points

Not OP but I think the groupthink here is just using tankie as a catch all whereas their main gripe is accelerationism.

Accelerationism is the new Nihilism for the disenfranchised. It doesn’t take much to grasp and requires little to no input from its supporters in this phase.

Accelerationism is not the answer. I am old enough to see what the traditional tactics have bought us. That doesn’t mean I am willing to watch the world burn so the soil is enriched.

-3 points

Damn. I had no idea the opposite of endorsing genocide was totalitarianism. Seems obvious now that you’ve pointed that out, thank you.

0 points
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0 points

Strawman shit. Genocide is never OK and a leftist would never uphold Putin.

7 points
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0 points

Accepting Israel’s right to exist is to support settler colonialism. Israel does not exist without the murder and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

-5 points

Typical neoliberal. Still using homophobic insults. But surely you’re not a bad person.

3 points

That’s not a homophobic insult. It’s a more vulgar way of saying they’re in bed with them, which also isn’t homophobic. It just means they’re very close.

12 points

Good. No compromise on genocide. Never again means never again.

This gives me some hope for the DSA.

And don’t come at me with “pragmatism”. The pragmatists supported the Nazis.

-6 points

Never again means never again.

Apparently, to purists like you, “Never again” means “If it happens anywhere, we should help it happen everywhere we can.” But hey, who cares about minorities in the US, and Ukrainians in Ukraine? Fuck 'em, right?

5 points

“Ugh, genocide is bad, but we have other things to worry about right now.”

— You, and most Germans during World War II.

-10 points

“Genocide is bad, but we have other things to worry about.” - Me, and the US offering vast amounts of Lend-Lease in WW2 to the Soviet Union despite their vast campaigns of ethnic cleansing.

Apparently, by contrast, your position is “Genocide is bad, so we should do everything we can to lose to the Nazis, who will genocide far more people than the Soviet Union. That will really show the fascists! They’ll be SO mad when they herd us into the gas chambers lol!”

6 points

genuine question, what alternative is there to voting for whatever candidate the democrats run with?

-1 points
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3 points

The Ukraine war is a big source of actual leftie infighting. But DSA did not withdraw their endorsement on that. This is a strawman.

Dems wanted lefties to compromise and they did. Then Dems want lefties to compromise some more.

The Genocide in Gaza is not up to debate for any leftie. And Bernie and AOC have even promoted the Genocide at the start of it by refusing to call it a Genocide, and refusing to call for a ceasefire.

-1 points
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0 points

Source that they’re foreign assets?

DSA is a membership-led and membership-funded organization, with the vast majority of our funding coming from membership dues. This guarantees that our resources come from our source of power: organized people. Our funding and our power are inextricably linked. Dues allow our organization to be accountable to our members and our members alone. source

1 point

You could say the same exact thing about AIPAC. It’s also a membership-led and membership-funded organization where the vast majority of it’s funding coming from private donations… yet somehow I don’t think you’ll have the same reaction to them being foreign assets. The reality is that both of these organizations advance the interests of foreign governments over America’s, only difference is that Israel is a US ally and the countries that the DSA chooses to align itself with are American adversaries.

2 points

Removed for misinformation and temp banned.

-1 points

Never again means never again.

That’s a good way to describe how the DSA views political power.

88 points

left wing is so busy ripping itself apart while right has fully consolidated, good luck winning elections. This is practically handing POTUS45 his POTUS47 title. US left wing always picks wrong timing to settle internal scores which is why it’s always flatfooted and toothless.

27 points

No, no, THIS time handing over power to fascists will DEFINITELY make the left in this country strong.

27 points

The communist leader in Germany before Hitler took over said that failure of the nazi government would help convince people to vote for communism in the next election; he was subsequently killed in a concentration camp.

0 points

Just reading about it:

Critics believed that the KPD’s sectarianism scuttled any possibility of a united front with the SPD against the rising power of the Nazis.

Not sure if it is analogous to America, since the KPD in Weimar Germany was more prominent politically than the DSA is in America. It was definitely a bad position in hindsight.

7 points

If only they’d joined the SPD in voting for Hindenburg, the guy who won the election and appointed Hitler chancellor, then Hindenburg would’ve… won the election and appointed Hitler chancellor.

-13 points

It’s good to know that on top of Marxism being a failure from the very start, it also has a long history of paving the way for fascists to get into power. Some things never change.

18 points

I mean he was basically right. The social democrats took 30% and the Nazis got 0% in the next election

In 1949 after Germany’s defeat in WWII.

1 point

like in definition of insanity: making the same mistake over and over expecting different outcomes? Yeah by that definition US left is insane.

2 points

It’s much more difficult to build something than it is to tear it down.

-2 points

It’s because they always get angry and start pointing fingers when things get tough.

13 points

while right has fully consolidated

Well, apart from the literal assassination attempt

The right has so much infighting that it’s dirty to even call them ‘the right’ as if it’s a single group. If the US weren’t using a FPTP system with the threat of vote spoiling, it would be much clearer just how split all political factions really are. Neo-Nazis have been calling Trump “Zion Don” for the past ten years and crying about all his links to da jooz and blags, the Libertarians disagree so much that about 2 million of them voted their own party instead of Rep or Dem in 2020. There’s even PACs like the Lincoln Project.

The reason it’s important to recognize this is that it’s important to know their weaknesses. They’re not all one homogeneous group, and many of them literally want to kill each other.

0 points

fighting or not they have all lined up behind POTUS45 even if previously they criticized him etc. At the time when left is dilly-dallying and builds up “resistance centers”. Look, all the pro-Gazan declarations with conditional support for Biden is a waste of air as as soon as POTUS45 will grab his POTUS47 title it’s game over and they will have no recourse, and more likely than not public protests will get slowly outlawed. Look North of the border for examples of how it’s done (Alberta, Canada)… so no matter what they do nothing is going to change now the only differentiator is that Biden may listen whereas POTUS45 absolutely will not.

1 point

That’s why we should have Ranked Choice voting. people could give their preference a chance, while still counting their vote against those they don’t want in office.

126 points

Common DSA L.

Fucking idiots. Pulling your endorsement of one of the top fucking 5% of most Pro-Palestinian Congresscritters for being INSUFFICIENTLY pro-Palestine.

-44 points

AOC doesn’t get elected without DSA in 2018.

If you can’t pull back your endorsement as a political organization, you have no power.

The progressive revolution that genuinely found its footing in 2015 is over. The figureheads have been captured and its going to be a ‘rebuilding’/ ‘consolidation’ cycle while we weather the facist takeover.

65 points

If you can’t pull back your endorsement as a political organization, you have no power.

Cool. If you pull back your endorsement of someone who is already one of the most aligned representatives of the fucking country with your agenda because you want her to go even further, why the everloving fuck do you think anyone will ever choose to align with you? You’re an unreliable ally who punishes your supposed allies for getting nearer your position, and empowering people who are MUCH further away from your (very much non-majority and non-plurality) position. Do you really not see how fucking counterproductive that is?

But hey, since when have little concerns like “This is actually putting a corporate stooge in power” or even “This will lead to fascism winning” ever bothered Left purists? They aren’t the ones who suffer.

The progressive revolution that genuinely found its footing in 2015 is over. The figureheads have been captured and its going to be a ‘rebuilding’/ ‘consolidation’ cycle while we weather the facist takeover.

Jesus fucking Christ.

-43 points

who is already one of the most aligned representatives of the fucking country with your agenda

Is she? Show me. Show me how she is working for and supporting the policies that DSA is working for.

Jesus fucking Christ.

You realize your opinions are just a long series of mistaken views that don’t predict future states of the world right? Like, you have this hyperbolic reaction to things that you’re views don’t align with, but your views don’t predict the future. We’ve covered this. You should consider that your political calculus is just bad and maybe you should open up your view.

-1 points

And if you don’t know how to build a coalition, you’ll never have power.

Step one to building a coalition is to find someone you don’t agree with 100%.

5 points

Who the fuck is the DSA, I’ve never heard of them.

2 points

It stands for Democratic Socialists of America. They’re a member run left wing political group which grew rapidly after Bernie’s 2016 run. AOC is a member and up until recently she had maintained the endorsement of the national organization. After her surprise win in the 2018 primary, she has not been actively involved with DSA. As such, this outcome isn’t all that surprising.

32 points

Yeah they chose quite the time to make the perfect the enemy of the good




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