For real. Came into work for six months and talked to this dude about a bunch of stuff every time. Only a week ago did I find out his name. Now I can finally say his name instead of starting off with “hey bro”
At least you remember names. Someone can tell me their name, I’ll repeat it as suggested, forget it a few days later anyway.
I’ll remember a phone number before someone’s name.
Hell, I remember one dude as initials + his age when I met him. I don’t know why. Example: If I met John Doe aged 32, there’s a chance I’d remember him as “JD32”, and forget his actual name.
Shout-out to MK22, I forgot your name again.
I have a friend who has a lot of friends. Sometimes we hangout together, but rarely. I cannot for the life of me remember their names and I swear 3 of them look the fucking same to me. It’s always a struggle to keep pretending for hours until I finally hear someone call one of them by name. I remember that for a few hours. If we hangout again next day it resets out of my head again.
We don’t need names, so long we vibe
Haha there’s a guy I hang out with at the library and I think he’s great.
Wanted to invite him to a party and realized I had no way to get in touch. No name or anything.
For like a month, I’ve been trying to visit the library at the same exact time to see if we bump into each other.
Library stranger, I hope we meet again.
If someone I just met uses my name regularly I feel like they’re trying to sell me something.
If someone I talk to keeps using my name, I think they’re following advice on how to remember names, and that they’re bad at names
‘The memory palace’ is the superior memorization method
It’s cool. I don’t usually care about people‘s names that much, and I know he doesn’t care about my name, so why does it matter.
For the most part people can call me dude and bro until the end of time at work.
A month? I’ve known guys for years and still don’t know their names and it is WAY too late to ask.
The obvious way out of this situation: open your own kebab place and start calling him bossman or chief.
Here’s a fun way to play it- say “We’ve talked so many times over the years, and I bet you don’t even know my name.”
If he does, explain that you said that because you don’t know his, laugh about it. Get his name and put it in your phone if you think you’ll forget.
If he doesn’t, then say “Well we’re in the same boat because I don’t know yours!” Exchange names, and put it in your phone if you think you’ll forget.