Why are we pretending like this isn’t prudent on NYPD’s part? If this weren’t 2000 miles away I’d probably show up, if not to try and bust him out then at the very least to throw shit at the cops and yell. And if I’m considering driving a prius thru the fence to free the guy, I can only imagine what the non suburban-cishet-white-male-techie demographic is feeling about it.
Yeah, I assumed it wasn’t too keep him under control, but because of the hero worship he’s receiving.
To people who don’t know the story (ie potential jurors) it could be detrimental, but I’m sure his lawyer will address that.
I’d try to get close enough to look like one of those true crime fanatics and throw my bra and panties at him. Pretty sure he would know how to use the bra wire to make lockpicks.
I think out of all I’ve been reading, your comment has brought me a lot joy and smiles. Thank you for something good on a Friday night after a tough week.
Glad to help, as someone who fits the specified demographic in the comment I originally replied to. Except white, I have no ethnic background that would make me even remotely white. Hope the rest of the holiday season looks up for you, cheers!
The shareholders demand blood and a show.
Yeah no shit, crowds didn’t gather around to ask for the release of the college killer.
They’re treating him like he tried to blow up Gotham City when all he did was kill Lex Luthor.
Nah, more like one of Luthor’s underlings. Andrew Witty would be more equivalent to Lex Luthor.
So, given that 4 students is equal to 1 cop and that 1 CEO is more or less equal to 30 cop, We can say that a student is equal to 0.25 cop So a CEO is equal to 120 students live. As they have been around 70 victim to school shooting by year and around 300 school shooting for the last 3 years in the USA, we can deduct that the death of a CEO is around 2 year of school shooting combined (not taking into account the wounded) so around 600 school shooting.
Is my math correct?
Depending on whether you mean Sandy Hook/Columbine type shootings or any shooting that involves any school property in any fashion then either mostly white or mostly black. If you’re averaging a school shooting a day, then you’re including any shooting involving school property so mostly black but also fewer students than you’d expect (a lot of “school shootings” are just gang violence that involves school property in some fashion and a surprising number are accidental discharge of a concealed carry that hits no one).