I love my WFRP campaign. I’m playing a noble’s servant who got sent on a dangerous quest by his lord to “man him up a little,” and he wound up getting mixed up with a party is complete nutcase. The rules have an odd kind of crunch to them - there’s tons of details for combat, but my GM says there’s basically no encounter design guidelines, for example. Still, it’s a great time and I can’t recommend it enough.
@the_toast_is_gone @TheGreatDarkness WFRP is a blast, i wish I could make time and get a group together
Only D&D fans don’t want to hear “play a game better suited to what you want to do”
That said, I’d recommend Runequest over WFRP any day of the week, and twice on weekends
Grognards are people that play old war gaming systems and complain about new things.
They’re exactly the sort of person that wants to hear “play Warhammer Fantasy.”
It’s not gritty unless character creation includes backup/multiple characters
Changeling: the Dreaming fan here. Our system is better suited to the roleplay side of things, several sessions can go by without a single combat, and it’s not the core focus of the system.