I’ve seen multiple people adapt Dragon Age to 5e, including reworking every class to fit into the “mages are rare” nature of the setting. Then I turned my head to the left and looked at the Dragon Age RPG on my shelf.
That sounds a bit funny since Dragon Age was Bioware’s spiritual successor to Baldur’s Gate, which was just AD&D/2e adapted digitally. Going from D&D to Bioware’s homebrew system and then back to a newer D&D seems like a lot of steps.
Oh, and you can see the steps. Bioware condensed the mental stats into cunning, giving them space to add magic and willpower. Then the RPG needed to add two new stats just to keep cunning from being too bloated.
Then they made Fantasy Age, which is the Dragon Age RPG without Dragon Age, and they immediately got rid of the magic stat.
Does the TT version have rules for when a party member decides to be the one to climb up the big guys and get that sweet cinematic instant kill?
At least a way for you to vote to leave a party member at camp, so they have to put on the headphones and hear “ENCHANTMENT!” on a 10 hour loop?
Did you have some really specific things you wanted out of your game?
Just play GURPS.
Grognards are people that play old war gaming systems and complain about new things.
They’re exactly the sort of person that wants to hear “play Warhammer Fantasy.”
5e, the game that’s basically written around epic heroism isn’t gritty and dark enough? Shock. Gasp.
Is there an official Dark Sun setting for 5e yet?
If it’s written around epic heroism, why do we have levels 1-5? I don’t think that’s 5e’s genre. It’s also not low fantasy either, since even at low level you can’t easily get rid of the magic-powered class abilities without a ton of homebrew.
In other words, I don’t think 5e would run well in Dark Sun.
I can’t speak to how well 5e would work with dark sun, but 5e is very much about epic heroism. Levels 1-3 exist entirely as an introductory system to avoid overwhelming new players - IIRC, there are official suggestions to just skip them if playing with experienced players. Additionally, they are designed to go incredibly fast. The meat of the game really starts after that, and the characters quickly catapult to functional super heroes.
Only D&D fans don’t want to hear “play a game better suited to what you want to do”
That said, I’d recommend Runequest over WFRP any day of the week, and twice on weekends