Honestly, if NYC voted to secede from the state, it would probably be pretty popular. Albany doesn’t even pretend to view us as anything more than a piggy bank at this point.
I saw that on the ballot in Madison County and thought there would be no way it would pass. It passed in all 7 counties that had the proposal in the ballot.
There’s no way the counties down here can be financially solvent without the northern half of the state.
People keep telling me not to worry. After seeing so many things that “would never happen” come to pass it is difficult to not take this seriously. Both mine and my wife’s retirement is solely based on our Illinois teacher pensions. I’m guessing those dissolve if this comes to pass? Do I move preemptively?
The States Attorney already said its nothing more than a symbolic gesture. They legally cannot secede from the state. I have the severe misfortune of living in one of these counties. Everything around here is dead or dying because of decades of total, uncontested Republican rule. Whole towns here are nearly abandoned. And yet, they STILL bitch about how the Democrats, who have no control here, have ruined everything.
And then 2 years later they realize their tax base can’t support their infrastructure and this is how Iowa grows a couple gnarly tentacles
Whatever. As long as I can still buy weed.