While I am leaning towards sex, any thing that you felt that spiced up your life works B-)
Started playing Sabacc, which brought me many local friends.
Sabacc? Starwars Sabacc? With interference fields etc?
As a computer game?
Or a real physical card game
Factorio has made me a unkempt recluse surrounded by drawings and diagrams that ive drawn that not even I can make sense of.
Slam it to the left If you're having a good time
Shake it to the right If you know that you feel fine
Chicas to the front Ha ha go round
I’m usually a shut-in due to my studies so to spice things up I go out and chat with strangers and become friends. I never talk to them again though so they just leave. After a few months I go out again and the cycle continues. Keeps me down to earth. Keeps me sane.
As far as sex goes, occasionally I’ll invite a second person
I got a better paying job. Pretty much every aspect of my life has since improved.