“You used to have a penis?”
“I thought you looked beautiful before, I think you look beautiful now, honestly I can’t tell” or if not recent “dunno, all your features look perfect to me, so I could never choose, your eyes are my favorite”
…of course, green text is fake.
For anyone scrolling far enough to read this, all of the correct answers for this, follow the same formula. Statement about how you cannot tell leading into a compliment about their looks.
This can be reversed, complimenting they’re looks, and lead into that it is impossible to tell.
Unless she looks like the wicked witch of the west, like one girl I knew. She had surgery at some point, and I only knew her after that happened. I am not exaggerating with that reference.
Bluntly, I couldn’t have cared less. Things didn’t work out for completely unrelated reasons.
Laura Loomer: Can you guess?
Loomer: Jk all of them.