Looks like there’s some lying going on, lol
I am definitely 5’11" and 3/4" and I definitely don’t report it as 5’11" no one is going to pull out a measuring tape on me.
im 5’11" and some change and would just say six if people asked and my brother got so mad when he found our I was shy of six as he thought I was taller. I like dude. im not memorizing whatever fraction is after five eleven. I guess I could say 5 eleven instead but that same laziness that does not want to remember some fraction also prefers to answer with one word.
Oddly, i had the same argument with my brother in law.
I’m 6’2", but I always say I’m around 6’1" or 6’2", so I don’t blow up any 5’11"s cover. My BL who is very clearly 3-4" shorter than me tried to convince me that I’m 6’4", because he is exactly 6 foot. He got super upset, like red in the face, temper tantrum.
im 5’10.5. i tell people im 5’10 cuz who the fuck cares. hell, it prolly wont be long til im 5’9
I’m 5’12"
6’1" is also lower than the other side of the curve, which suggests people just like to round up or down to 6’.
It actually makes a lot of sense, to me anyway, why the left portion would be more heavily weighted.
6’-0” and up is pretty rare as far as the world goes. 6’-5” is kinda the ceiling for humans barring some exceptions and there are plenty of reasons to stop growing on the way to it while there isn’t really any way to grow bigger.
i wonder if this rounding also exists in metric countries, i could see people writing 190cm if they’re 189.
I honestly don’t know how tall I am. I know I’m taller than last time I was seriously measured, but I don’t know by how much and I don’t care. But everyone shrinks during the day anyway. Measuring height to precise centimeters has just a little more sense than weighing someone with precision of ⅒ of kilogram. I have basically no chance but to estimate and possibly round.
Just use centimeters, Jesus.