Bleh, it sucks to find out about another school shooting this way. I’m glad they do this though.
“let’s get back to talking about how gay books in the library are ruining our kids’ lives!!”
What they need to do is make guns gay, then watch how quick they’re banned.
Not too hard, the things are often phallic shaped and you gotta stroke its trigger to get it to release its load everywhere. Just saying.
What’s the internet rule that there is porn for everything you can think of? There has to be gun fetish gay porn. All sane Americans need to do is get whoever is more influential than Dan Savage to give the movement legs ala “Santorum”
As a non-American, can I just say: get your shit together and ban guns as you clearly can’t be trusted with them as a country.
Fully expecting to get downvoted by the “but it’s mah hobby” brigade. Get a new hobby, there’s peoples lives at stake.
They need more regulation. It’s easier to get a gun then a drivers license.
The reality of it is we know straight up banning guns is the only way to truly solve this problem. The issue is we like to pretend it is some super complex issue with all this nuance that can only be approached by the best and brightest, but the right people to put that policy together just haven’t come along yet. We tell ourselves that because the truth is we are totally okay with a certain amount of faceless death as long as we can have our toys and we don’t have to clean up the mess.
We’ve been arguing about this in the US for my whole life, and I’m not young. At this point it should be obvious neither of the two faces of our government has any interest in doing anything more about guns than using the topic as a wedge to divide us and as a source of campaign funding. So you want to ban guns. Is that the hill you want your children to die on? How about instead of insisting that’s the only way, we enact a solution that keeps kids alive and that both the red and blue team can agree on, like, say, mandatory armed guards (a paid job, not volunteers) at school entrances. Is it in conflict with our ideal vision of a peaceful society? Maybe, but it works. Other countries have done it and it stopped school shootings entirely.
I think the two-party system you’ve got there has got you by the balls. No offence.
No offence taken. You’re right. And one of the few things the two parties cooperate on is working to insure it never changes.
That would never happen because whichever party does it, they can kiss goodbye to victory forever.
And as an American, all i have to say is
Sure, we will just march on up to the Capitol amidst all the lobbiers and gun obsessed GoP fascists and tell them, “Please stop, someone from lemmy who isn’t even American says that’s all we need to do.”
If you aren’t American, keep your mouth shut on what we “should” do. Many, many of us are tired of these shootings, and on top of it all, our democracy is at stake, along with our ways of life to boot. Our country is failing, and all we can do is VOTE. It’s not that fucking easy. Stop accusing our entire country of this bullshit like we want it. The majority of us aren’t like this.
Y’all became a country by rebelling and telling England to fuck off also because of the whole “no taxation without representation”.
Yeah and it’s 2024. Any kind of rebellion risks us getting bodied by our high powered military. We have families.
“If only there were 50 more guns for everyone to whip out at the same time with no way of knowing who the shooter is in the sea of guns, that’ll be safer!”
I think I’ve read a story or two about the “anti-shooter” getting shot for being at a massacre with a weapon drawn, like some kind of murderer.
Drawing a weapon in public seems insane to me. Even if you are the “good guy with a gun” in the eyes of everyone else, you are a potential murderer.
That happened at my university, though not to someone affiliated with the university. He was trying to break up a fight. He had a gun and it fell out its holster. He was grabbing for it as campus police were shouting not to. They shot and killed him. While you can argue about whether the police response and training was appropriate, one thing is definitely true. If he had not had a gun on him that day, he would not have been killed. A country awash in guns is not a better country, despite what the “a well armed society is a polite society” people claim.
Thats always the thing about gun folk who won’t go to the mailbox without their weapon, right? However they justify it, its inherently this fantasy that they’ll get to shoot somebody. If you’re worried about being prepared, why not a police stick thing, mace, or a tazer maybe? Why does it HAVE to be the hyper lethal super easily reloaded thing or bust?
In that vein, these are all things cops carry on them too, why do they NEVER use them and go straight for emptying a clip instead of practicing escalation of force?
The answer? Murder boners. In both cases, its all just a power fantasy of getting to end a life without facing consequences. Sure, a taser will probably make most people drop a gun, but then you dont have the satisfaction of feeling that ultimate power of control over someone else’s life.