Let me guess - He considers himself “regular people” despite hoarding the very properties needed by actual regular people.
EDIT: Gramar and spleling hard is
The fucker’s worth between $600 mil and $2.5 bil, just to put his opinion into context. I mean, what kind of regular person isn’t worth at least half a billion?
Ah, c’mon! I’m sure you have a few billion laying around the house. Try checking the couch cushions.
“regular people” no longer give a fuck what some rando CEO land hoarder thinks, or what he “grew up with”
Big white gravy train businessman pretends he speaks for the people
These parasites are really getting brazen…
Like Democratic party already panders to corpo clowns, what else do they want them do? Bind to the slaves to the property and make us work for the “landlord”