Columbine kicked off an epidemic of school shootings because of the attention it got. Some people need a focus for their misery and I am not ashamed to say that I would rather see heartless corporate executives fear for their safety instead of school children gunned down as they hide in a closet. Just putting that out there.
I really hope Jo Miran is an alias.
Maybe of the Buckee’s beaver?
Only in America. Where there’s guns, there’s accidental death.
I say ban the guns so the vigilantes need to use cricket bats. Sell the surveillance tapes for PPV.
School shootings are very intentional, not accidental.
Banning guns isn’t going to make 500 million firearms disappear, it’ll just take them out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.
Hello lonely young men with something to prove, have you seen how much positive attention Luigi got
So what you’re saying is if the collective can set Luigi free then you might be okay with the deal?
It really would be a strange kind of uniquely American poetry if our school shooting problem inverted itself into a megacorp CEO shooting solution.
If a few more CEOs gets off’d, they’ll ram gun control legislation through congress faster than Trump can wolf down a Big Mac.
The cat is out of the bag, no? 3d printing guns is a bit of a Pandoras box in regards to gun control. Especially in America where it has been legal for so long
Historically it’s been threats to the owner / controller class that have produced serious gun control legislation in the US, so you are probably right! But if you mean actual confiscation a la Australia, pretty sure that’s off the table here. Sincerely think it’d spark a war no matter who sincerely attempts it or why.
I think they said that Luigi had a ghost gun, partially 3D printed? Of course he didn’t make the bullets so maybe that’ll matter.
Workplace shootings are nothing new. Where do you think the term Going Postal comes from?