Or any other log files/output? I’m open to any solution, but what I would like…
…is something where I can just click on a word or select some text and say “filter that out”
Something that colors different log levels differently, preferably automatically.
Something that can parse the “columns” and give me a nice quick list of values, like different unit names to filter out/solely include.
Something that lets me choose a time and go there. Something that lets me select only a specific timeframe of logs.
I know this can probably be done by going in/out of journalctl, recalling the last command and adding specific filter options… but it just feels slow. It’s so many keypresses when I could just right click on the word and -> “Filter out/Search for” or something.
Apparently, less
also has a feature built-in to filter out lines based on keywords:
https://raymii.org/s/snippets/Exclude_lines_in_less_or_journalctl.html#%3A~%3Atext=Once+your%2Cterm (skip the first paragraph, past those three links)