Or any other log files/output? I’m open to any solution, but what I would like…
…is something where I can just click on a word or select some text and say “filter that out”
Something that colors different log levels differently, preferably automatically.
Something that can parse the “columns” and give me a nice quick list of values, like different unit names to filter out/solely include.
Something that lets me choose a time and go there. Something that lets me select only a specific timeframe of logs.
I know this can probably be done by going in/out of journalctl, recalling the last command and adding specific filter options… but it just feels slow. It’s so many keypresses when I could just right click on the word and -> “Filter out/Search for” or something.
tbh my go to command is just… journalctl -fe -u service
ex :
journalctl -fe -u jellyfin
journalctl -fe -u nordvpnd
so I’d also like to know the answer to this question. my other go to is dumping journalctl to text files and parsing with grep and awk and creating my own reports with that parsed information.
grep -E is my favorite, I love regex capturing groups.
Apparently, less
also has a feature built-in to filter out lines based on keywords:
https://raymii.org/s/snippets/Exclude_lines_in_less_or_journalctl.html#%3A~%3Atext=Once+your%2Cterm (skip the first paragraph, past those three links)