I cannot believe I’m in the position of arguing in favor of emails mattering enough to reply to. I’m not even sure what your point is. Did I say that I love email? I simply said if we’re going to even have it, you should be able to get a damned response to one.
My point is that expecting someone to read an email on your timetable is not reasonable because it is a massive, productivity burning distraction.
“my timetable”… My timetable is “attempt to make a production issue your priority at some point”. But sure, make your assumptions or whatever.
Somehow you missed that I used email over demanding their attention when It was convenient for me which was a choice to be respectful.
But don’t let me get in the way of your complexes
You keep saying “a few days”.
“A few days” is not a reasonable demand. Not looking at email more than once a week is an entirely legitimate approach to productivity. So is “email is not a legitimate way to contact me”.
They clearly mentioned the actual ways to get issues dealt with. “Just use tooling to make email not dogshit” is a step down from using tooling that isn’t dogshit to begin with.
I’m not them but you seem to have different company cultures than the person you’re responding to and due to that you guys aren’t seeing eye to eye. I’m in the same boat as the other person.
My email is flooded with automated messages for workflows and company PR. Very rarely do I get something that needs my attention so email is like regular mail to me. We have other ways to ensure work (from outside my team) is completed and a priority to my team and email had been found to be lacking.
This means my company uses other tools to ensure requests are made aware to people without using email and we’re all good with it. I’m not saying that to say we have the best or right solution, just that our company found what’s best for us and maybe the other person isn’t articulating the same has happened for them.