You keep saying “a few days”.
“A few days” is not a reasonable demand. Not looking at email more than once a week is an entirely legitimate approach to productivity. So is “email is not a legitimate way to contact me”.
They clearly mentioned the actual ways to get issues dealt with. “Just use tooling to make email not dogshit” is a step down from using tooling that isn’t dogshit to begin with.
You seem pretty childish too, unable to tell the difference in an expectation and a “demand.”
Complaining about someone not using a shit heap of a productivity killer of a tool when they’ve made it clear that there are actually valid ways to communicate is a demand by definition.
It’s a demand that someone destroy their productivity to service your arbitrary bullshit.
Mental children may not understand that sending an “instant message” such as via slack is more of a demand than sending an email and expecting a response eventually.
It’s truly bizarre that you want to fight with me about this. Not only is your opinion weird, it means nothing to me since you were a rude weirdo about it. Thanks for letting me know how to interact with you in the future though.
Just no. It’s weird that you think everyone has to view email as something that simultaneously exists while not mattering for any purpose in the slightest. And it’s weird you think it’s suddenly a challenge to communicate if someone has the courtesy to let you reply later at your convenience. “Oh I can reply whenever? How about never motherfucker!”