Investigation into Canada’s New Brunswick brain syndrome is being blocked by the province, whose claims that the syndrome is various existing diseases have been debunked by federal experts, who suggest that the provincial government controlled by its forestry industry is blocking the investigation to retain tourism and industry.
some mindless attack on America or Americans. It’s amazing how obsessed some people are.
With guns? Yeah. That’s the problem. I’m glad we can laugh about the gun-clutchers, as they have enough problems of their own.
I’m all for laughing at obsessed gun nuts when it makes sense. But if you are bringing up obsessive gun nuts when the topic is about the Canadian government covering up a major industry for poisoning it’s own people…well, you have serious obsession problem.
I love how often when I bring up this obsession, people can’t grasp the fact that I’m not defending America or Americans.
Lemmings are called lemmings for a reason. We laugh at our hivemind dumb jokes and try to find the funny. Dark humor is the way some people cope with tragedy.
(Not to mention I thought this was about the welcoming and polite Commonwealth stereotype in the first place.)
This seems to agree with my point that it’s mindless. I absolutely understand and agree that lemmings mindless parrot the same stuff over and over again, it can be quite an echo chamber.
Pot:kettle. You think you are making an insightful point on any degree? You’re yet another bleating sheep spouting nothing of value on the Internet like the rest of us. Welcome.
I don’t see USA mentioned anywhere in that comment. I assumed it was a joke about the “overly polite Canadian” stereotype.
YOU assumed it was about the states cause you know the average American is batshit crazy
You and one other poster dont realize that it’s a jab at a America. Everyone else sees the obvious.
“We are the default country” lol get outta here!
You’ve been down voted to shit in this whole thread, I wonder who “everyone else” is exactly?
Why would anyone think to “raise awareness” about America’s gun problem in the comments section about the Canadian government possibly covering up an illness on behalf of a major Canadian industry? I don’t buy that for a second, but even if it is the case, they are distracting from what doesn’t get much attention.
Whether we should be embarrassed is besides the point. The article is about the Canadian government doing some sketchy shit. Absolutely no reason to shit on America in the comments.
Mindless? Surely they had to put some thought into it to connect that America is really the only country where people are being shot for pulling into the wrong suburban driveways? A bit of research at the very least.
Surely they had to put some thought into it
Holy shit, mindless doesn’t mean “no thought.” lmao
A bit of research at the very least
Irony. You know what is the least amount of research one can do? Look up a word in the dictionary.
But that being said, why even attempt to pedantically defend attacking America when we aren’t even discussing America at all?
Holy shit, mindless doesn’t mean “no thought.”
It does though.
a: marked by a lack of mind or consciousness
a mindless sleep
b(1): marked by or displaying no use of the powers of the intellect
mindless violence
(2): requiring little attention or thought
especially: not intellectually challenging or stimulating
mindless work
a mindless movie