Investigation into Canada’s New Brunswick brain syndrome is being blocked by the province, whose claims that the syndrome is various existing diseases have been debunked by federal experts, who suggest that the provincial government controlled by its forestry industry is blocking the investigation to retain tourism and industry.
Holy shit, mindless doesn’t mean “no thought.”
It does though.
a: marked by a lack of mind or consciousness
a mindless sleep
b(1): marked by or displaying no use of the powers of the intellect
mindless violence
(2): requiring little attention or thought
especially: not intellectually challenging or stimulating
mindless work
a mindless movie
So you thought I meant asleep and couldn’t figure out from context that I meant “requiring little attention or thought especially : not intellectually challenging or stimulating”?
Wow, just wow.
If you could read, you’d note I provided the full definitions according to Meriam Webster. Two different definitions (a) and (b) are listed, with b(1) being exactly what you think “mindless” doesn’t mean.
The only way to read what you submitted and think that the original statement that “it means no thought” makes sense is if you are picking the one about being asleep or unconscious. Which means someone can’t read things in context while hilariously shitting on people for no being able to read.