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As someone that was at the protest, at no point did I think it would result in the war stopping. It was still worthwhile, however. In retrospect, the war was so much worse than any of us knew at the time and also based on flimsy and/or no evidence of WMD. Business as usual in America. We’d do it all over again today, I have no doubt.


Folks, listen closely, okay? Nobody understands tariffs better than me. Believe me, they’re tremendous, tremendous tariffs. And now Walmart – yes, Walmart, great company, big stores, huge – they’re telling you that YOU, the great American people, will be paying for these tariffs. And you know what? That’s fantastic news. Incredible. Let me tell you why.

First, it’s about sacrifice. The greatest country in the world doesn’t rise without its amazing, hardworking patriots chipping in a little bit more. And trust me, when you pay a little extra at Walmart for your cheap, uh, Made-in-China toasters, you’re not just buying a toaster. You’re buying FREEDOM, folks. You’re sticking it to the Chinese economy. No one else could get that deal done, okay? Only me.

Second, we’re BUILDING here, okay? When American families dig a little deeper into their pockets, that’s money going back into our economy. It’s like… MAGA economics, so smart you wouldn’t believe it. All of a sudden, Americans will say, “Hey, why am I buying Chinese stuff? Let’s buy American!” And BOOM – jobs. Factories humming. Steel, coal, maybe even wood, I don’t know. Beautiful stuff.

Third, let’s talk winning. When we pay these tariffs – our tariffs – we’re showing the world who’s boss. China thinks they’re so smart. So clever. Well, joke’s on them. We’re so good at tariffs, we’re making YOU pay them instead of them. Genius move, right? They won’t even know what hit them. Tremendous strategy. They’re probably shaking in Beijing.

And look, folks, I hear you. “But sir, sir, what about the prices?” And I say this: are you willing to pay a little more at Walmart to make America the GREATEST it’s ever been? I think you are. And if you’re not, then maybe you like China too much. Sad!

So remember, every time you spend a little extra at Walmart – and it’s a GREAT store, by the way, I love it, fantastic – just think of it as making a donation to America. To freedom. To ME – your favorite president – who is bringing the best tariffs, the best deals, and the best America you’ve ever seen.

God bless tariffs. God bless Walmart. And God bless the United States of America. MAGA!


Stop fucking sane washing him

You’ll notice I called him a “total whackjob”. I do not say he is sane. However, I wish to criticize what he ACTUALLY said instead of some bombastic caricature of his plan. In no way do I support or endorse RFK, but let’s be accurate with our criticism.


She did her part keeping the hospital beds available for more profitable patients. It’s the American way. As long as our hospitals (and government) prioritize profits over health, there will be no end to these stories.


Classic Reddit: “Reddit is meant to be a bastion of free speech”

2024 Reddit: “All hail corporate! Click on more ads!”


This is one of the reasons I hate talking in abstracts. I hear people talking about landslides, but what does that mean numerically? If there was a vote with a pool of 10 people and a candidate got 6 of those is that a landslide? Is 9/10 a landslide?

Some people talk “landslide” but without knowing what that means, it makes it hard to have a conversation.


Clickbait alert!! The actual quote was: “Delay, deny, depose. You people are next,”. She’s not in trouble for the delay, deny, depose… she’s in trouble for the second bit (which is a threat).


Look, I have SIX perfectly fine dildos, all in their individual velvet pouches. My grandma even gives me a knowing wink when she sees them on my nightstand (she’s very with-it, my grandma). But the minute I walk into Walmart and snag NUMBER SEVEN - BAM! 💥 The world implodes. Little Timmy starts twerking in the cereal aisle, the self-checkout beeps incessantly with unholy vibrations, and a rogue bag of gummy worms spontaneously transforms into a life-size silicone replica of the Lone Star State… it’s CHAOS, I tell ya! This clearly-reasonable six-dildo limit is PROTECTING our precious Texas innocence. Seven just unleashes the primal urges, and nobody wants that, especially not while picking out a new can of Copenhagen. 🤠

#SixIsTheMagicNumber #TexasStrong #ProtectTheInnocence (and the Gummy Worms)


Violent crime has decreased since the 1990s as video games (including violent ones) have continued to grow in popularity. If anything, this establishes that violent video games prevent violent crime.


Now that it’s no longer trendy and doesn’t lead to increased revenue they dropped it like a rock. They didn’t do this because they believed in fairness. They did it so they could post a little press release on their site and get people to think they care (and then spend more at Walmart). Apparently there is no more direct line from their DEI programs to profit, so they are gone in one second. Just goes to show you they have no loyalty to fairness, only to their own wallet. Expecting a large corporation like this to have a heart is a mistake. They only have one interest and now it’s plain to see.
