My expectation is that the “mass deportations” will quickly morph into “mass incarceration” will quickly morph into an enslaved workforce.
There will probably be one wave of deportations just to “show we mean business” or something and then the news will move onto the next distraction while the remaining undocumented immigrants are quietly sent back off to do the jobs they were doing only now the business don’t have to pay them.
And what are the chances that the Democrats have learned their lesson and will pivot to a more progressive candidate for the next election cycle?
Exactly zero. The rich people in the DNC benefit just as much from the conservative agenda as any other rich asshole. Not being in power is completely irrelevant to their interests, as far as I can tell.
Unless and until Donnie makes good on his threats to imprison/murder his political opponents, none of them will give a single fuck that leftist didn’t want to vote for them because they weren’t left enough.
Protip: when you’re looking for something and you find it, don’t put it back where you found it. Put it in the first place you looked.
If the planes had entered sovereign airspace, sure. They synopsis says the Russians were flying in international airspace, which usually means it’s not under the sovereign control of any nation and the Latvians would have had no basis to fire on the Russians.
Personally, I’d love to see the Russians try to stunt their way into someone’s airspace and get dick slapped for it, but I doubt that would happen.