You’ve heard of no true Scotsman, well that’s compared to me, the only true Scotsman. Everything I am is all things that are forever and not, therefore the fallacy isn’t.
Trump et al aren’t a threat to the oligarchy or capital. Actual people rising up and doing violence against their owners is a threat to the oligarchy and capital.
It’s how you know (besides dems post loss behavior) that Trump isn’t anything different and nothing will massively change.
Squirrel is a weird euphemism.
Most “third world” or “developing” countries aren’t that bad, and there are places in the US far worse than the median developing country.
Also most people in most places do not want to go to the US, even to visit much less immigrate. It’s generally either the worst of a particular society or those specifically harmed by the US previously and feel their chances are better off with the abuser instead of in the abused country. It’s not a wanted destination.
Just a reminder, if you think what happened on DDD Day was murder and not self defense, you don’t have a problem with violence, you just hate when poor people do it.