Thank you, the issue seems to be solved now!
Doesn’t work if I am the only weirdo in hundreds of km
My apartment complex also has ads inside elevator. Is it that bad?
Directions are one of the most confusing aspect tbh. Bounding is difficult…
Pardon my ignorance, but how do I install and use ProtonGE?
Damnit, did not know it would be that complicated. If only nvidia was cooperating…
I am quite sure I exclusively turned on nvidia, tho I gotta double-check, I guess.
Same, thank you for letting me know I am not alone.
Hmm, then my issue might be caused by nvidia card. It’s GTX 2060 on ASUS laptop.
I found something interesting - it works if I skipped through the company logos on startup. I guess the phase has memory issue or something?