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Looks like you can self-host a web version of it, which is handy. Plus it’s always nice having open-source alternatives to closed-source, commercially-led apps.


I went through this journey looking for new providers recently after Proton started doing crypto shit. Tuta and Fastmail were the main recommendations, though the former has been accused of being a honeypot and the latter has really awful practices toward workers and unionisation.

I went with Migadu as a no-nonsense solution, and I’m over the moon with it.

As a big fan of decentralisation and federation, I was very tempted to try out Disroot, but I wasn’t ready to try it out with my main mailboxes. I’ll likely use it for any upcoming toy projects I embark on though.


If this comes to pass, it’s remarkable to think about how close we might have come to a timeline where Broadcom acquired VMware, Qualcomm, and Intel.

A chill just went down my spine.


“No more money without reform,” is the actual line.

Perhaps seeing it distorted as per the headline is to be expected of the Morning Star.


She’s my favourite of the RWNJs for the sheer degree of entertainment she provided the night she live streamed chaining herself to the doors of Twitter HQ wearing a star of David armband after they banned her.

I wasn’t aware she was embedded in Trump’s troupe nowadays but that certainly tracks.


After Left Unity, Breakthrough, Peace and Justice, Social Justice Party, and Transform, I’m sure this one will work out.

More seriously, I’m glad they’re pursuing this. Everyone involved will be happier representing their views more authentically and Labour will be better off while freed from their influence, while the electorate will be presented a wider range of choices — and I suppose it’s possible they won’t make a pig’s ear of it and that the two-ish party rigidity of our system could be broken, serving our democracy for the better.

Looks like a win-win-win-win to me.


I use Jellyfin in a way that sounds like what you want. You run a Jellyfin server wherever your FLACs are, access it via the web, and play things through your browser — or through Finamp on Android, in my case.


The suggestion there’s some sort of wave of Democrats splitting for Trump is laughable when there’s no ideological alignment between even the most centrist Democrats and Trump. The few jumping over, like Gabbard, are the most cynically hollow of politicians who have no political ideology to speak of, simply chasing what’s best for their profile.

With the Trump campaign floundering and a Harris win looking more and more likely, I think even the most vapid and opportunistic of them will be thinking twice before jumping ship now.


I’m not sure it’s a ‘pigs flying’ moment. Despite being an ultra-committed conservative, he’s been a critic of Trump since the beginning (and other unserious Republicans like Sarah Palin) and voted Democrat in 2016 and 2020 accordingly.

Honestly, fair dues to him. He’s from an elder era of more serious politics, and — as incongruent as it may sound when referencing those with a libertarian slant — an injection of that sort of seriousness is exactly what the American right-wing sorely needs. Like with Dick Cheney, I agree with him about virtually nothing — apparently except for the continuation of American democracy that’s tragically on the ballot this November.

I wish there were far, far more Republicans willing to act similarly.


I love the focus on the ‘childless cat lady’ line.

I think that line epitomises the pointless spite that characterises MAGAism. The constant bullying and insults are entirely unnecessary to their agenda but they just can’t stop themselves, and if we end up post-November with them wondering how things might have gone had they not insulted tons of voters this way then I’ll find that delicious.

I suppose the counterpoint is that the insults and bullying might well be necessary, that their ‘othering’ and painting opponents as lesser, more ridiculous, less human enemies is a core part of how such populist fascist movements gain traction. “The cruelty is the point,” as some say.
