I just only did the first step: replace all I had written with random gibberish. And then I did nothing. Just left it there. And the gibberish is still there. Mission accomplished. One of the goals of this method was to feed KI with Nonsense. Obviously I wasn’t the only person who did so. And it looks like it has worked.
In Germany there has been a court ruling that it is allowed to call the catholic church a “Kinderfickersekte” which translates to “child raping cult”.
It was only a lower court and the church choose to not object against it probably because they were smart enough to fear the additional publicity this would get if a higher court would confirm it.!5067953/?t
Bei mir läuft das mit den Fritz!boxen auch problemlos. Auf der 7490 läuft allerdings die aktuelle Laborversion 7.56 ist das, glaube ich. Die läuft damit völlig problemlos an einer 50 MBit VDSL-Leitung. Das würde ich als erstes updaten und mal schauen. Außerdem schreibt die auch Fehlerprotokolle, da sieht man, ob es Ausfälle der Leitung gab.