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I won’t say acceptable, as there were still issues and such, but it was definitely persecuted differently.


When I was young lad, my friends and I would play army with stick guns. Once I found the perfect one and I hid it in our army fort that really was just the space between the wood pile and the fence. I think his dad used it in the fireplace cause I never saw it again. If I was as smart as this guy, I would still be going after Rambo’s enemies today. I still miss that stick gun.


I had a band teacher that I highly respected in high school. He took a band program that was the worst in the state, a complete shit show, and made it an award winning program. I always saw some of the students hanging out with him in his office at lunch, never thought about it my self or noticed that it was all girls. Fast forward a couple of years after I graduated, I’m working in a local popular sandwich shop down the road from the school. I always saw this one girl who would come in and get his lunch order. I asked her, and she said she was the student assistant for him. The school setup a program after I graduated to earn working experience as student assistants. It turns out the teacher was having an affair with this girl, who was only 17. The school district IT admin found explicit emails between them on the schools email system, and things went haywire. And since the law at the time in my state was 16 was the age of consent, it wasn’t illegal. But it was still a huge scandal, married teacher sleeping with his student. The school forced him to resign and the girls family told him to never contact her or come near them. Once she graduated, they got married and are still married to this day.


These people have always been bad. Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Ford, all of them had their issues. The big difference between then and now is the information we have access to. These leaders are more or less forced to live a very public life. We can find all sorts of articles and investigative journalism reports about Elon actually having family money. And when you are rich enough to control the few newspapers, the stories are going to put you in a very good light.


My mom told me that Dad went to work to make money, and I actually expected to see money making machines when I visited him at the office.


Cleaning is a skill. Learn to like it young and never have a messy home.


Priscilla was 14 when they met, and he managed to convince her father to let her live with him. I blame the father just a much since he knew what was going down.


I can’t stand when people are violently opposed to words because they sound bad somewhere else. Like “moist”. If you think I’m being lewd when talking about how much I liked the stupid cake, that’s on you and your perverted mind.


I have read many comments here about how horrible it is that the rich get everything and we need to make the opportunities equal for everyone, I think they are missing the point of the comic. At the end, Richard’s view has been filtered through the things he was given as something that happens to everyone. Nobody told him that he was given privileges that Paula doesn’t have access to. To him, everybody has access.


I struggle with suicidal ideation problems. They have been so severe in the past that I almost went through it. While not all suicidal scenes trigger me, there are a few. And I have found that having the warnings help me from shutting off the TV and running off in a crying fit. I know it’s coming and can prepare myself. And knowing that the hotline is there has been one of the most comforting things I know of. I may have never called, but it’s there for when I can’t deal on my own. So yes, the warnings make a positive difference for me.
