No further information for this meme necessary.
Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you. Here are some good starting points for anyone interested:
Climate science denialism is nothing new. It has been going on for decades. The Greenhouse effect has been known for more than 100 years. There have been urgent public warnings from scientists for more than 40 years. Right now, science warns that the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) will break down (link). If we carry on like this, it will be a question of when, not if. This is just one example. Each example should cause immediate global political action. Instead, we’re living the meme.
Once again: Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you.
Environmental rights are already incorporated in the constitutions of many countries. Why are they not respected?
Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you. Here are some good starting points for anyone interested:
Ich finde es sehr beeindruckend, was die zwei Menschen da machen. Man sollte über einen Hungerstreik natürlich nicht alles erzwingen können. Aber die Art und Weise, wie die Klimakatastrophe von Politik (und teilweise Medien) immer noch ignoriert und heruntergespielt wird, ist doch beschämend.
Wenn ihr in Berlin seid, geht dort doch Mal vorbei. Ich bin leider zu weit weg.
Source: https://e360.yale.edu/features/arctic-rainfall-climate-change
(No) Discussion: https://feddit.de/post/9135719
Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you.
As we are already observing some of the catastrophic impacts of climate change, there is no change in greenhouse gas emissions. They are even increasing. At least Wile E. Coyote is intelligent enough to stop before catastrophe although we all know he is unable to avoid it. Why aren’t we?
Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you. Here are some good starting points for anyone interested:
The argument of saving the economy is often brought forward as an argument against climate protection. In a rather recent example, the German finance minister Christian Lindner told climate activists: “the market is stronger than you.” This seems to be the stupidest argument in the history of arguments, maybe ever.
Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you.
Being mindful of ones own actions is good, but saving the planet needs us to target big oil.
Posting and liking memes is great, but real change comes from actions. If you are as concerned as we are about climate change, please consider joining or supporting climate activists near you.