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Radar ist meiner Meinung nach die beste Lösung, zumindest im ländlichem.

Zum einem wird man nicht mehr überrascht wenn jemand überholt, man weiß 100m vorher schon das jemand kommt.
Zum anderem halten die meisten Autofahrer bei mir in der Ecke immer großzügig Abstand wenn man Handzeichen gibt, egal ob man signalisiert “warte, Gegenverkehr” oder “überhol mich”.

Vielleicht ist letzteres auch nur Placebo, aber ich hatte gestern wesentlich mehr Respekt vor den ganzen Motorrädern die mich überholt haben während wir in der gleichen Spur waren.


Heads come in all sizes and shapes.
The HP Reverb gave me headaches within 10mins of playing due to the small sweetspot in the middle, other people had no issues with it because their IPD was smaller. Same goes for weight distribution, nose sizes, light leaks and more.

I don’t think it’s a hassle, more a service to get it customized/dialed in for a unique head.
They pay a nice chunk of money for it, Apple can’t have anyone badmouthing it because they just sold a “one size fits all” model.


I think the main difficulty with Linux desktops is this “all or nothing” approach to the OS.

Recently got a Steam Deck and most of the games really just work, but that’s a handheld where I play solo. On desktop I mostly play online with friends.
I really don’t want to constantly switch OS depending on the anticheat situation when we play something else.
And then there is software (fusion360, simhub) & hardware (3d mouse, joysticks, ffb wheel, maybe VR?) that just works on Windows.

So instead of maintaining Windows & Linux on dualboot I just stick with Windows on the desktop.
And I used Linux for a long time on my laptop (and can’t wait to ditch MacOS), still use it on servers, but the desktop is just a whole different beast.


Species also went extinct when that rock killed the dinosaurs, life still went on. Took a few years to recover, but it went on.

Only question is, will humanity go exting before we pump too much CO2 into the atmosphere to end up like Venus.


You still get their obnoxious “screwdriver, lttstore, waterbottle” reminders in every single video. Their 10sec in-video ads aren’t that bad, but other channels have 2min ads within 8min videos. Which mean’s paying users still get more ads than someone with browser extensions/modified apps.

The whole thing is a race to the bottom. People use adblock because there are just too many Youtube ads. Creators get less money from Youtube, so they resort to more and more in-video ads, and eventually SponsorBlock gets more appealing.


To be fair, BG3 just runs like crap. I’m playing it mostly on a decent PC, there were some dips in act 1 and 2, but act 3 has a lot more dips.
Still a great game, and the city maps in act 3 are pretty packed, but the frametime consistency is pretty poor.

And Vulkan was even worse, slighly lower avg FPS, same inconsistency and graphic glitches (random flickering black or white squares).

I see the “verified” badge more as a “no need to fiddle to get the game running” not a “you get locked 30fps with decent graphics” guarantee.
Always subjective what “runs well”, someone might be accustomed to 4k@144hz while someone else is used to “cinematic” 30fps.
Both will notice the unstable 30fps, but the latter wont mind, just like most players didn’t mind with Zelda TotK.
