

27 posts • 24 comments

Engineer/Mathematician/Student. I’m not insane unless I’m in a schizoposting or distressing memes mood; I promise.

Direct message

“Scary door” from Futurama

It’s a play on the twilight zone and it’s quite something.

“A casino where I’m always winning? This must be heaven!” “A casino where I always win… I must actually be… IN HELL!”

“No Mr. smith. You’re not in heaven or hell. You’re on an airplane!”

“Help! There’s a gremlin destroying the plane! You’ve gotta believe me!”

“Why should I believe you?! You’re Hitler!”

For those interested: The Scary Door


ANSYS my beloved

12 points

I had a friend in highschool who competed in these games. Totally forgot it existed till now. Thanks for reminding me of it


One of the effects of me getting medicated is being able to make phone calls and schedule meetings. Do I still hate that everyone would rather I call and stumble over my words and forget what I’m going to say rather than let me write an email that allows me to clearly and concisely ask my questions? Yes, fuck them for doing that. Hell, it’s stupid and inefficient to try and find times your schedules are both open to have a meeting when you could just write a fucking email and reply to it when your schedule allows. But yeah, anyway, now I actually have enough executive function to make those phone calls and meetings when I have to.

Also here’s a reminder to take your meds because I definitely would have forgotten to take mine if I hadn’t seen this post and remembered.


Unhealthy coping mechanism: take a break, put in headphones, put on the most overstimulating sad/manic/violent vocaloid music, proceed to engage in megalomaniacal fantasies of battle, world domination, and self destruction until you get bored.

Healthier coping method: try to do mindfulness meditations. Doing them even when you’re feeling more normal will make it easier to try when you are. Just trying to take a few deep breaths or focus on breathing could help and at the very least won’t hurt.

Another thing is just venting to someone or writing in like a journal. If something is getting to me or I’m feeling an emotion for no reason and it’s frustrating, venting about it in my journal seems to help me calm down and manage it better.


“Excerpt from the Kamasaura, an ancient reptilian text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment.”


Wikipedia disagrees: Roman Sculpture

Most statues were actually far more lifelike and often brightly colored when originally created; the raw stone surfaces found today is due to the pigment being lost over the centuries.


Same. Recently went to Seattle and my family was weirded out that I was almost more enthralled by the massive amounts of concrete structures and huge metal industrial complexes and shipyards than the ocean. Metal and steel structures, even when rusted over just make me feel this surreal calm. There’s also something so beautiful about blackberry bushes growing over brutalist concrete structures, even if it’s just a highway overpass


We also don’t talk enough about the fact he was a pedophile.

Sexual Abuse Allegations

Schrödinger being “infatuated” with a twelve-year-old girl, Barbara MacEntee, while in Ireland. He desisted from attentions after a “serious word” from someone, and later “listed her among the unrequited loves of his life.”

Remember kids: don’t idolize people. Even Nobel Prize winning physicists can be fucked up


I’m leaving this up despite the report of antisemitism, but I’ll sticky this comment with my explanation and my apology because I believe accountability and explanation is better than erasure.

I’ll admit I posted this without realizing it could be taken in a truly antisemitic way, and I am sorry. The purpose of this post was not intended to be “Jews control the media/government” (especially since it’s clearly Reptilians doing that). It was not meant to imply that Jews are somehow inherently evil either. In fact, slaughtering civilians is actually sin in Judaism believe it or not. Hence the fact that many Jews are against the genocide.

Regardless of my intent, I now realize that many people could have taken this meme as support of the antisemetic tropes that Jews are evil or control the government. I am very sorry for that and I’ll do my best to watch what I post here more closely.

Now to address something else. If someone marked this antisemitism because it’s drawing attention to the genocide that Israel is currently committing and they think that calling out a fascist state for killing children is somehow antisemitism… fuck off. Schizoposting is largely based around calling out corruption and atrocities committed by governments and organizations.

It does not matter what nationality someone is, what religion they choose to believe, or even if you’re secretly a robot. All individuals and organizations are capable of committing atrocious acts, and it is one of the purposes of this community to derive irreverent (and possibly masochistic) humor from that seemingly inescapable corruption which surrounds us all.

Genocide is wrong and if it can’t be fought, it at the very least deserves to be mocked, as do the systems that ensure its continuation.

TL;DR: I really am sorry if you took this in an antisemitic way, that was not my intent. The genocide being committed by Israel and the corruption in the US are not caused by the Jewish faith (Zionism not included). They are both caused by corrupt individuals, and corruption is not specific to any religion or race.
