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Like regular posting EXCEPT ONLY THE TRUTH about the tyranny of bubble gum and wealthy lizard elites. Let the scales fall from your eyes and behold the horror of solipsistic existence.

Community Rules:

  1. Follow instance rules
  2. No Feds
  3. No spam
  4. No Feds
  5. No self promotion
  6. Only memes, meme videos, and maybe schizo rants allowed
  7. If you see the hatman don’t play him in chess (he put the bugs under my skin)
  8. Mark any graphic or explicit content NSFW
  9. Play nice lest our reptilian overlords use your contention as an excuse to silence the truth!

(I still have no idea what I am doing, if anyone has tips on running a community I would appreciate it)

Community stats

  • 2

    Monthly active users

  • 26


  • 16


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About this site

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Rules are simple:

  • No abusive language
  • No bigotry
  • No advertising
  • No pornography

There are additional rules for bots further below

Are you confused about how Lemmy works?

Check out our Lemmy guide and F.A.Q.!

It covers topics like:

  • What is Lemmy
  • How to join communities on other instances
  • … and more!

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Important note: donations are completely optional!

Additional rules for bots:

  • All bot accounts must be explicitly marked as bots
  • Bots must not vote on any posts or comments
  • Bots must disclose their specified purpose in their profile
  • Bots must not be responsible for the majority of content in any community