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This seems to be conflating 0.333...3 with 0.333... One is infinitesimally close to 1/3, the other is a decimal representation of 1/3. Indeed, if 1-0.999... resulted in anything other than 0, that would necessarily be a number with more significant digits than 0.999... which would mean that the ... failed to be an infinite repetition.


What an absolutely deranged claim. What is it that “SJWs” are advocating for that you think is invalid? Because if it’s something along the lines of “they should stop advocating for an oppressed group of people” you should really consider what it means to try to build political power. Unless you’re going for “if we give the billionaires more stuff, maybe they’ll let us have medical care, as a treat.”


If they are “SJWs”, the claim isn’t really that they aren’t politically active, is it? In fact, the claim is that they aren’t spending the four years between presidential elections focused on the next presidential election. As it happens, if you are building political power, spending all that time and energy focused on a single national race is almost certainly a waste of resources. So, what’s the claim here? That “SJWs” spend far too much time concerned about the actual lives of people to engage in “enough” political advocacy to convince a preexisting party to handle those issues instead?

I think it makes far more sense to do the work and advocacy that is required to make people’s lives better directly, and thus have built a popular movement that the major parties want to jump on the bandwagon of, rather than spend years trying to convince these lumbering facets of the establishment that they should do the work instead.


I bow to your clearly highly nuanced take of checks notes “people who care about social justice are a bunch of whiners who are bad at politics”.


I don’t know how you got “only focused on the presidential election for four years” fromy previous post.

That would be the context of the thread you were responding to. As in:

Maybe if the SJWs would fucking pay attention in between elections and not pout and withhold their votes on Election Day…

And, yeah, limiting the focus to visibility campaigns on social media does mean that the focus is limited to visibility campaigns. So, you know, don’t do that. There are plenty of orgs doing lots of work, and complaining about this poster’s visibility campaign or that poster’s lack of practical activity on social media is an exercise in second-ordrr futility. Expect activity other than visibility campaigns in places where activity other than visibility campaigns can actually happen, and not on social media where they mostly can’t.


From the sorts of things I’ve seen, it’s anyone with “blue hair and pronouns”, particularly if they have had a particularly viral moment that can be easily inserted into “Woke SJWs OWNED” clip compilations. Typing on a keyboard doesn’t make for very good visual content, but I suppose posts clipped to show how cringe SJWs are is probably what you’re referring to.

Somehow, I doubt you have a full picture of their political activities based only off what someone else was able to turn into ragebait.


Perhaps you should consider people as more than what they post on social media, especially given how many of those platforms have a financial interest in showing you things that make you mad. I don’t see much political relevancy in the sentiment that the problem with the current political climate is that people aren’t voting hard enough, but if you’re committed to complaining online that people spend too much time online complaining and not enough time voting harder, then I wish you luck.


How are you verifying the existence of these keyboard warriors who only whine? I know plenty of people politically active in my community who also have a penchant for arguing online. It is somewhat more difficult for me to verify the behavior of people who I only know online, owing to the fact that I can only tell what those people do by what they post and what makes it way to my feeds.


And yet you’re conversant in the idea of SJWs and keyboard warriors. Where did you come by that idea, and who are these people whose political existence is so sharply limited to online discourse?


Treating Bernie Bros and SJWs as interchangeable is a new one to me (overlapping, I suppose, but I remember some quite rabid anti-SJW Bernie Bros and visa versa), but I’ll grant you that both camps get hit with the keyboard warriors when they’re online, regardless of how active they are in meatspace.

And I’m less trying to defend them as I am calling out the absolute futility of trying to do activism beyond visibility and outreach campaigns online, and judging someone’s political efficacy based solely on their online output.

If we want to build movements that actually, y’know, have political power to do something, it takes a lot more offline work (even if the online work can shine a light on good offline work)
