Chocolate production is infested with slave labor, child labor and child slave labor.
I’m not saying WalMart wouldn’t do this on purpose (because I have never interacted with them), I can tell you as a software developer that’s it’s entirely possible for a single functionality of an app to malfunction while everything else works.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
I’m amazed that no-one has complained that the graph’s data points are on the borders between categories rather than inside the category bars.
With that out of the way: WTF is wrong with that graph?
Yay, a likeminded person!
For Microsoft I fully understand that they’d rather have a subscription model for Windows. After all you’re getting updates every fortnight and critical patches ASAP. I wonder they let you buy their shit for so long.
Just in case someone brings it up—and someone will bring it up regardless—: I’m not defending their recent enshittification and “always online” mindset.
Ich schaue da drauf und frage mich, wo der Witz ist. Weil’s Aus ist, aber Österreich gewonnen hat? Ist da irgendwo eine Kriegsmetapher versteckt. Ist der Autor irgendwie komisch? Irgendein Widerspruch, den ich nicht erkenne?
Dann erinnere ich mich wieder daran, dass es hier echte, richtige Österreicher gibt, die in Österreich wohnen und sich freuen, wenn Österreich ein Spiel gewinnt.
Tut mir leid, dass ich manchmal vergesse, dass es euch gibt. 😳